Preparing myself for my stem cell transplant

This topic contains 16 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Willisboy 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    I am doing very well thank you.

    I had a Autologous stem cell transplant, using my own stem cells.

    This was the one I was told was the best for me so this was the way I went.

    So far, at least, it has been successful.

    In the early days the other was mentioned but my Doctor decided early on to take the Autologous way.

    I know little of the Allogeneic transplant, which takes stem cells from another person, such as a sibling or relative. This method isn’t used as often.

    Do ask others on this site who may be able to advise you better than I can.

    All the very best for you and your treatment. Please keep us all updated.

    God bless you




    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I have not been around for a long time. How the time flies.
    Over a year since my SCT and everything is going really well. I am in remission, the Doctor called it a plateau.

    I returned to work albeit on a part time basis in June. I shall return to full time hours in January.
    I see my Doctor again on Tuesday who I see every three months. I receive my pomidronate every month which I shall have for life (keeps the calcium in the bones).

    Hope you are all feeling better.

    God bless you


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