Proper Fed Up Mark III

This topic contains 64 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  SueM 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #104667


    Dear Dai,
    Delighted the treatment was so effective. Hope you and Janet can enjoy the wonderful evenings.



    Hello Dai
    Are you cured now?
    Love Helen



    Found it.Eve



    Well the Flagyl worked very quickly and very effectively. Back to normal by Saturday 11th August and feeling really good.:-D

    Consult on Monday 13th and consultant looked at my records and noted that my three independent samples were all negative… that is it wasn't a parasite… but still the medicine worked. I had a consult on Wednesday am with the Radiologist/Oncologist re my fractures in my shoulder and scapula and decided on ' No further action at this time.' 😉

    As with the consult I had with our top orthopaedic man from the Queen's Medical Centre, it was agreed that my body has multiple weak areas, including at least 5 fractures but while they don't bother me we will leave well alone. Mr Manning gave Janet and myself a guided tour of my skeleton… it seemed like a 50/50 compilation of missing marrow, small fractures and masses of metastases. No wonder I ache sometimes… and I should be pleased with my mobility given the circumstances. But given the stage I am at any attempts at repair could make things considerably worse… so I have 2 telephone no's that will give me access to Mr Manning and the radiologist/oncologist with 48 hours and no further action at this time… my decision with their approval.8-)

    Felt great all week thanks to the Flagyl and we had my eldest daughter and her partner for lunch (they were very tasty) joined later by my big sister and her husband for a lovely couple of hours of chat and wedding plans (daughter and partner) for October 20th Wedding.:-)

    By 6:30pm we were left to our own devices with the windows wide watching the myriad butterflies on our Buddleia's with not a puff of air to be found and both of us clammy and hot. I injected my Clexane and took my daily temperature. 38.03… double checked… 38.01 and then it started… my infection was back.>:-(

    So all evening I had the long rumbles and wind turbine followed by loose motions etcetera. I took 2 paracetamol at 6:40 am and my temperature came down immediately… no more paracetamol since and my temperature has remained in the normal range. I have drunk liquids for Wales and semi-starved myself for 12 hours… it seems to be backing off and generally I feel good (the last time it came back I felt ill immediately).:-P

    So… its watch this space and see if I can get it to back down and stay down. If not, if it becomes a fight, I shall go straight into the Day Case Unit and they can sort it for once and for all (I know this will mean a stay inside but if it is 'back' then it needs proper consideration and clinical investigation).8-)

    Ah well… but I am being positive.




    Hi Dai

    Well I bet your well pleased with the respite you have had 😀
    Day Unit is a must for you and a stay in also as you say that liitle problem needs sorting out.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Blimey Dai,

    I can't believe I missed this whole thread and you feeling so rubbish! Glad you are on the up again now…..these medics always seems to have medicine for something. One thing for sure…..your mantra of whatever it tales. You are surely sticking to it!

    Good man,…..and Janet!

    Vicki and Colin



    Well I've tried to fight this infection off but it has got the upper hand… again. SoI am on my way into the Day Case where I will throw myself at their feet and say 'sort this out please'. 😛

    I real have had enough… the 5th bout since the end of May… not much fun and I could do with some fun right now.

    I'll get in touch when I can.;-)




    Dear Dai

    Sorry that you are no better, you really have been in the wars. I hope the Day Care can get it sorted quickly and permanently and you are soon back to your old self

    Love Jean x



    Sorry to hear the infection is back Dai. Of course it never really went away did it? I myself have now developed a rasping cough and can't get warm although my low blood counts are at the bottom of it,my temperature is normal, and I just hope the blood transfusions sort it out on Wednesday. Your Neuts must be very low like mine (0.8) and that would explain it. I have felt terrible for the last week and I remember you saying that Dex can mask an infection and I reckon that is what has been happening. Those Steroids have a lot to answer for,started 3rd cycle today so here we go again.
    Do keep us up to date and take care.




    Hey Dai now you dont be long now with that dreaded infection get them to sort it out good and proper. am sure you are all peaved of with it having it drag you down so long but knowing you you wont allow it to drag you down any more get rid and be back soon.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hello Dai,

    Sorry to hear the infection is still not been seen off! You are doing the right thing in going to daycase, hope they get to the bottom of it and get rid once and forall.
    We were at daycase today kev having his 5th cycle vel/dex and still struggling with the PN in his feet they have prescribed a painkiller GABAPENTIN so let's hope this works. Having got home his pesky cough seems to have returned so now keeping a close eye on him What is it and these infections they seem to be hanging around far to long!! And Dai your subject heading well that's kev at the moment.

    Hope you get yourself sorted Dai

    Love liz & kev xx



    Are you and Slim getting on ok now Eve? You're a bit quiet at the minute. Hope you are all right.
    Love Helen



    Hi Dai
    Does the silence mean that they kept you in again? Hope it's getting better
    Love Helen



    Oh dear Dai
    In the wars again. Hope they can fix it for you. Been away again for a while and haven't looked in in ages .
    Wishing you a speedy recovery



    Good luck dai,

    Hope they can sort it and beat it into submission. That infection has had it's fun for long enough

    Vicki and Colin

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