Question about blood test results

This topic contains 18 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  ange 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    thanks Jean.



    Thank you all for all your tips on blood results. Consultant was more than happy to give me past results and as her printer wasn't linked up I sat there and scribbled them down, still some blanks still to fill next time but a good start.

    Start of Cycle 2. 3. 4.
    Haem: 12.9 13.1. 12.7
    WBC: 4.1 3.6 2.7
    Plate: 215 124 164
    PP (started on 38) 7 2 (start of cycle 4)

    So all moving in the right direction, although wish the WBC was higher, but not neutropinic yet.

    And this week I got my harvest date in march at Oxford. We discussed rough timescales for the next stage, SCT, as I had no idea how long things take, glad I did as this must of prompted appointment 🙂

    Again thank you, I have found this forum invaluable and supportive and think everyone is very strong and positive x



    Sarah Jane

    Good luck with you sct… and thread it's easier so that we can be supportive. I know when Colin was going through his it was a godsend to us both.

    Take care

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Sarah Jane

    You seem to be in very good hands and coping really well. Good luck with the rest of the treatment and stem cell harvest. My pp are stable at just under 40 and I am still under close observation. I have read in depth about myeloma so feel prepared! Also knowing that everone here is so friendly and supportive is very reasuuring. Take care Andrea xx

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