Question about mm.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  stan 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    Dear All,

    I have found you website and this forum while looking for mm. I have decided to ask few questions about mm as I am really worried that my partner could be suffering from it.

    She has had pains in her back (where the rib-cage is as well as other bones) for at least 12 months and she is currently treated for kidney infection. Additionally she is on vitamin D as her GP found vitamin D deficiency in her blood test. Her mother and her mothers sister both died from mm. She lost a lot of weight in last 12 months but this could be due to the Hiatus hernia. And because she is being treated for Hiatus hernia her GP says that her back pains could be related to that and the bones pain could be because of vitamin D deficiency.
    Recently she ended up in a hospital when she could not bear the pain, that was when they discovered that she had kidney infection. In a hospital she had ultrasound, X-ray (as they were suspecting to find stones on her kidneys) and she also had different blood tests done. All the tests came fine and she was released two days later.

    Would the blood test show that someone could be suffering from mm? Could the doctor or GP spot it from the blood test? If so we shouldn't worry because she had at least three different blood tests done in last five weeks and all the tests were fine (apart from the one that her GP found deficiency of vitamin D).

    I am so worried about her health…

    Many thanks for you help,



    Hello Stan
    I am sorry your partner is so unwell there is a simple blood test for MM so your partner should ask for one Pep test is a good indicater of MM it measures the paraprotien in the blood which is one of the major indicators for the disease
    Regards Jo



    Hello Stan

    Welcome,I can well understand your concerns,have you mentioned to the doctor the MM history?

    Some Myeloma,s do not give any indication in the blood,there are number of different Myeloma,s and the correct blood test plus urine test have to be done. This will indicate if myeloma is possible,the only positive test is a bmb,if they suspect Myeloma the usual is fully body x ray MRI scan plus BMB.

    Most myeloma,s are late at being diagnosed unless you have a good advice is to ring Ellen on this site,she should be able to advise you,or ask to be revered to a Heamatologist, if you do not get any joy from your doctor.Or do what I did see a younger more open minded doctoring the practice who will listen to your concerns. Eve



    Tell the Doctor the family history and ask him to investigate for signs of MM.

    I had mm 2 years before it was diagnosed.

    kindest regards – Vasbtye




    Hi Stan

    Sorry to hear about your Partner is going through a rough patch.

    I think its all been said above just want to say welcome and Good Luck to you Both and soon get a reason for the pain.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Dear Jo, Eve, David and Tom,

    Firstly I would like to thank you all for your reply, all you advice and the sympathy.

    We will take your advice – Jo and Eve about the PEP and BEB blood tests, I think this should be ?possible? with my partners GP. Not sure about the full body X-ray and MRI scan. Unfortunately her GP is not so willing to send any patients for any feather tests (We live in London Borough of Newham).

    I am so sorry to hear about you David. Yes, we did say to the doctor about the family history with mm, but the doctor said that ?We have to deal with one thing at the time? as my wife is being currently treated with kidney infection and Hiatus hernia.

    I am so worried that there is something so evident (I really hope that I am wrong) but her doctor just ignores this.

    Eve ? thank you for Ellen's contact too.

    Thank you again,

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