RE: Newly Diagnosed

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lennie72 8 years ago.

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    Hello There. This is my first time on any kind of forum. My name is Paul and on 23/12/16 was given the tragic news that I have multiple myeloma. As you can imagine, having to tell my Partner and close family over this festive period was the most difficult time ever however I am fortunate in that me and my better half both have small families and so are very loving and close – this will obviously help in the ensuing time ahead.

    I am later today visitng the Hospital for my biopsy to establish how advanced my case is and would like to share with anyone who is in a similar stage so that we may share and discuss.




    Hi Paul

    Welcome to the Myeloma club. I’m sorry you are joining us as myeloma is such a horrible disease. I hope the biopsy went ok and wasn’t too painful. I’m due one in the New Year.

    The first thing you’ll notice is that no two patients have the same journey treatment and outcomes are very much an individual thing. There’s nothing much I can add till you’ve been assessed and put on to your treatment. I hope everything goes well for you.

    Every day is a gift.




    Hello Andy

    Thank you for the email, it was good to hear from you. The biopsy went well and is not too bad. I am scheduled for various other tests and scans next Wednesday to assess my condition and its severity, with chemo treatment looking to be started the following week if all okay to proceed.

    I purchased a vee pillow yesterday which has helped with my resting position both on the sofa and in bed – which was a welcome relief.

    Best wishes to you for your biopsy when due.

    Take care and please keep in touch.




    Hi Paul

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, hope that you are coming to terms with what has happened.

    There is lots of useful information available from Myeloma UK either as booklets or downloads.  I found them very helpful.  I would also encourage you to use the Helpline, the staff are fantastic and it is their job to help patients like us – no question is too small.  If you are well enough I would also suggest going to one of the local patient information days and making contact with one of the local myeloma support groups.

    Myself, I was diagnosed at the start of 2013 with a bad back which got progressively worst to the point I couldn’t move. Radiotherapy, chemo and stem cells followed and pleased to say that quality of life is much better for me now – most problems are self inflicted doing too much DIY!

    They say that having myeloma is a marathon not a sprint.

    All the best for 2017.



    Hello David

    Thank you for the email and comments, these are a great help and I will certainly be liaising with Myeloma UK in due course.

    I had more tests and scans today at the Hospital and finish the remainder of these on Sunday. Results will be made immediately known so my first cycle of chemo can begin – then the hard work really begins!

    Glad to hear that your treatment went well and quality of life has improved – this is of some comfort and gives me hope for which I thank you.

    Best Wishes for the New Year and please keep in touch.





    Hi I’ve had tests and I’m being told that my iga light chain ? Are raised again x all other test are normal x dr isn’t giving me the full picture x except will refer me to immunology x I’m really worried x do I have myelomA or not x

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