RE: Starting a discussion…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  webteam 13 years ago.

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    Hi All, I am also new to the forum. I am concerned about my father who has had myeloma for 2 years now. He is 78. My mother is also 78 and showing signs of Dementia and dad is having to care for her as well as go through his own treatment. They live away from us so we try to go to visit and help out as much as we can.

    Dad's blood levels are now on the rise again, after a short phase of plateau. I am concerned because of the stress he is under looking after mum. He is stubbornly independent and will not concede that he needs help with her. He also has some red blotches all over his back which I am worried about? Can anyone shed any light on this? I do not think it is itchy. He is on a drip treatment regime at home every three weeks.

    Please help if anyone can? I attended an info day with my brother when dad was first diagnosed and found this really helpful. Just to get the support of others who are going through it. Good luck to all and best wishes….



    Hi looby loo
    Your poor Dad, has a lot on his plate and must feel exhausted. The treatment regime on its own along with the disease is very tiring, and coping with your mums condition must be really stressful for him.
    Speak to a Macmillan nurse, see if she can get any respite care for your mum at a day care centre to give your dad a break of some kind.
    Older people will struggle on thru shear pride and often need a little bit more of a nudge to take help.
    I am sure he would love to fall asleep after his treatment if it were possible.
    I am no expert but blotches on my husband usually mean he is on or needs blood thinners. But I think you need to speak to his healthcare professional to ensure there is not something more sinister going on.
    Its difficult to kow what treatment he is on having a drip at home is not something I am familiar with but I am sure someone on here will be able to know what it is. (Velcade perhaps)
    Hope he respounds well to whatever it is, but remember the treatment is often toxic and makes them weary along with the MM. But everyone is different



    This post seems to have become lost at the bottom of another thread. I have moved it up into the Newcomers section.

    Myeloma UK WebTeam

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