Re things are going wrong

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    To all of those who replied, my heartfelt thanks. I'm unable to reply individually, I'm shattered. I will though take all advice on board. CAB office as soon as possible. I really appreciate so much the advice and help given on this forum, I won't forget it.



    Hi Vanessa

    Hope things seem a bit clearer today:-)

    If you stop and think about everything that's happened ,which would you say was the worst!!! The Myloma, so this is just a blip in the scheme of things,you do need expert advice so don't despair

    This whole thing is very stressful,!! So if you can get help from another source like Mac Millan,accept it,many people on here have had different problems specially with insurance pay outs,for ill health,so tell your husband to stop thinking he is failing you,I know one person on hear,who,s insurance would not pay out,said he was not sick enough.!!!

    Mac Millan helped me with a few problems,all done by phone.Love Eve



    Hi Vanessa,

    Remember to spare a bit of time for you to ask questions, share your stress. You need to keep your chin up and we are here for you 🙂

    With regard to redundancy not sure what terms the company is offering, have they given your husband any special offers of training, coaching for something new, interview techniques, options to go for interviews in works time (is he back at work.?). In my firm this would be considered reasonable support. What about registering with an agency. Short term work might suit? What about also seeng a solicitor. They can't make him redundant on the grounds of health and cancer is considered under DDA (disability discrimination act). You could take them to tribunal if you can prove it.

    Thoughts are with you


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