I had my SCT in London. One big tip I would give is that you stay in hospital until you feel you are ready to come out. I left too early and that’s why I had a lot of trouble.
I am really improving now , can stand and walk about for longer if only my taste buds would get back to normal I would be pleased!!!!
Ok thanks for the info Pete, I think I’m going in tomorrow but will need to wait until the morning to be sure. Is this your 1st day in? Thanks and keep in touch adrian.
Welcome to southampton so this part of the journey begins bring it on! Like most things the thought is a lot worse than the reality and as mentioned no injections! Its like coming on a break, apart from the nasea no issues and looks they now have that.under control, I am now on day +5, with drinks I found water tasted horible but can drink lucozade and ribena