
This topic contains 17 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  TinaP 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Mavis,

    Yes I have SCT in October.

    I have had to come off the Rev for the time being till the rash has gone.
    It has responded very well to the antihisimines and has almost gome.

    I'm due back at hospital on Monday morning to see what my consultant says.
    I don't want to come off the Myeloma X1 trial, but he says he could reduce the dose of Rev, on 10mg at moment.

    I'll let you know how I get on




    Hi Tina,

    Colin had the rash early on in his induction treatment. He was also prescribed anti histamine, he take a 10mg tablet of cetirizine every day even now. I'm convinced that stopped some of the itchy rashes as potential during sct. Perhaps you might mention this to your consultant, see what they think?

    Best of luck

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Mavis,

    Yes, I had SCT in October and am in remission.

    I have started on Revlimid 10mg as part of the Myeloma X1 trial.

    Seeing consultant on Monday to see if a reduced dose of Rev ie 5mg would suit me and not bring on the rash.

    Tina x

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