Rev & Dex – Cycle 2 & Holding

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Reporting back at the end of Cycle 1. 'Revlimid & Dexamethasone'.

    Unlike Velcade – where you take a set number of cycle based treatments until you are declared in remission and then go out into the world, treatment free, until you relapse – Revlimid & Dexamethasone is a continuation therapy… (a therapy not a chemotherapy) you take your tablets and hope for the best.

    My Red Blood Cells (HGB) have dropped a full point from 10.7 to 9.8 and my Neutros are down a bit from 4.0 to 2.6 since my interim bloods a fortnight ago but my White Blood Cells (WBC's) at 5.0 and my Platelets at 147 are good – these are the four test results that I look to to measure my responses to treatment… and my consultant is happy that I have got through the first cycle with no worrying downwards trends or any other indications of a mismatch between me and my therapy.

    The Rev is shown to be working with the evidence of my ratio dropping from 17% down to 5% and my Kappa Light Chains, which stood at 311 at the start of treatment, have dropped to 146. So all well and good with a continuation of anti-biotics and two-week interim checks on the bloods into Cycle 2… rolling onto Cycle 3 and, if at that juncture all is then still well & good, we will deemed to have established a successful relationship between man and drugs… at which point I will keep on taking the tablets until further notice.

    This how it works in the world of Rev & Dex.:-)




    So delighted to hear that,



    A Well done that Dai and his new Friends. Its looking good dai and am sure your (The next comment will be copied and pasted :-0 ) Red Blood Cells (HGB) have dropped a full point from 10.7 to 9.8 and my Neutros are down a bit from 4.0 to 2.6 since my interim bloods a fortnight ago but my White Blood Cells (WBC's) at 5.0 and my Platelets at 147 are good (Paste over) I dont know what the afformentiond scores are 🙁 but am sure its a good result 😎

    Am sure that man and his drugs (I can see a tv show here? ) will go a long way.

    Keep on getting fit and stay strong 😎

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Tom 🙂 ,

    In a nutshell my bloods have to be monitored closely to ensure that they do not drop to the point where either the prescription has to be [b]A[/b] altered (downward) or worse still, [b]B[/b] discontinued.:-(

    After Cycle 1 there is a discernible drop but not to the point of either [b]A[/b] or [b]B[/b]… because of the nature of the drugs (Revlimid & Dexamethasone) a drop is to be expected.. what we want over the next 2 Cycles is a levelling off, or better still, a rise in my bloods readings.:-)

    It's a bit squeaky bum time but I am hopeful that after 3 Cycles I will be set up for a run with Rev & Dex.




    Hi Dai
    Will keep my fingers crossed that blood levels improve. I'm on to the 5th cycle now, so far so good:-)
    Love Helen



    Dear Dai

    AS you say in another post, it isn't a walk in the park, but if this maintainance regime keeps MM at bay while you waith fornthe next best thing, it must be good. More time with your lovely family.

    Lots of love.


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