Revlimid continues to work its majic

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Well it is on me at least. I have been on this drug as third line treatment for 3 months now. At the start my PPs were 22.9, first month fell to 6.7 this month down to 3.9. I was not expecting it to be Zero, which I am not expected to reach but it is a nice drop from a low figure. I am having no side affects that I can recognise from it. The 20 g of Dex is still giving me the highs and lows but otherwise this is relatively plan sailing.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi David,

    That is wonderful news especially as you haven’t noticed any side effects from the Rev.

    Will you be doing a set number of cycles?




    Hi Megan, I did ask how many cycles I would be having and the reply was “until you have reached a plateau and can go no further then we will consider maintenance”.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    What fabulous news David!




    Hi David
    That’s great news David.
    From what I thought I knew about Revlamid I thought it was a slow burner and it takes it’s time setting about its work. I’m sure it took 3 or 4 cycles and the introduction of cyclophosphamide before it worked for me. So hopefully your readings will go even lower.
    Good luck

    Every day is a gift
    Open it carefully




    So pleased for you David you are doing so well, some people seem to be sensitive to it and it works so quickly for them, it did for my Mum too, take care and keep going San x



    Hi David,

    Just getting my head around this new site and catching up with all the posts as I have not been posting for a while. I’m glad to see revlimid is working for you kev is on cycle 12 and doing well, he has been getting quite a lot of chest infections but we think they have now got on top of things and he’s taking antibiotics until further notice, hopefully if he continues they may put him on maintenance! His last reading was down to 10 and they seem happy with that and say he’s stable, so david I hope you continue to respond well to revlimid and get to the maintenance stage, stay well!

    Love liz & kev xx



    Hi all, Just come back from a clinic meeting and have been put on Revlimid and Dex. This is after 6 cycles of CDTa,( paraprotien down to 10 from 49 ) and two of Velcade, which didn’t lower my paraprotien reading at all. This morning after 10 weeks off every thing, it has been decided to try Revlimid and Dex, so I trawled through the posts and found this one. So far I have been very fortunate with side effects, and am wondering what to expect from this combination – I know very well what to expect from Dex, the cat wouldn’t be happy if she knew I was back on it !! I am actually quite happy now something is happening, I got pretty down when off everything and nothing happening. Any comments on what I can expect and anything to look out for gratefully received
    Best wishes to all, Jeff



    Hi Jeff

    Glad to see you are feeling better,and being positive all helps your condition.

    CDR is very like the CDT treatment you had,as you are slightly older,once they are able to control your PP,they tend to use it as a maintenance drug until it stops working,some people have been on it for a long time,as you know everyone reacts different to the drugs.eve



    hello jeff,

    glad to hear you are doing well on the new treatment, kev is now on cycle 14 of rev/dex and his reading has been stable at 10 for a while, i think he is coping well with the treatment and getting very few side affects and settled, the dex is another thing though (highs & lows)not nice! were even thinking of booking a little holiday abroad. your readings look good and rev/dex seems to have kicked in pretty quick and long may it continue jeff, velcade didn’t work for kev either, they had to reduce it to a level where it was not working and his counts went through the roof! the reason was the terrible peripheral neuropothy he got still to this day, so all the best on this next stage on this myeloma journey jeff, keep well.

    regards liz & kev xx



    Just reread my post after your comments, I’ve not started taking the meds. until
    Monday, so don’t actually know how I will tolerate them yet. However many thanks for the kind thoughts, it’s nice to know there are such caring people here offering support, something I greatly miss since my wife died. Regards and thanks again Jeff



    sorry jeff, I’ve been on computer far too long tonight (tired eyes) so fingers crossed you will tolerate the new regime come monday! take care, liz x



    Hallo all, Well , now just about to start 3rd cycle of Revlimid and Dex, and have some blood test results at last. My para protein has dropped from 29 at the beginning of the treatment to 7.6 in 8 weeks, which , although no one can say if this slide will continue or not, is really a positive result, needless to say I am very pleased. I have tolerated the drugs well with very little ill effect. The last month or so I have been feeling well and have been quite active. If it wasn’t for my back problem, I’d hardly know there was anything wrong with me. ( with regard to my back, I’ve managed to establish that I am actually on the list for a vertobroplasty, only two patients in front of me ).So by and large a welcome less stressful spell. Thought I would update how things are going after all the kind good wishes I’ve received.Jeff

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