Hi Everyone
I was diagnosed with MM in 2014, had excellent treatment including SCT in 2015. Had a really good remission until beginning of this year when my lightchains are beginning to slowly go up. I’ve been taking 10mg Revlimid as a maintenance drug since 2015. Earlier last year, I started to develop severe diarhorea, I told my Myeloma Nurse and she said it was the Revlimid as they have found it starts to create problems further down the line. Last week, doctor told me that I would now be ceasing Revlimid as it was no longer effective. Since the start of this year, I’ve suffered with nausea, can’t seem to get on top of it and I was wondering if anyone had had nausea with Revlimid. I’m not sure if it is even the Revlimid causing it but tying to find the culprit. Thank you.