Sct not an option

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  avantromp 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi all, just wondering if anyone has had a long remission when stem cell transplant was not an option?  I was due to get one last October but my treatment has done some damage to my tummy muscles and have been sick since June.  I have had my sct put on hold and I am worried as most of the posts are about how everyone is doing after they have had a sct.  If I can never have one it would be good to hear how others are getting on having been faced with the same dilemma. Any feedback would be appreciatedelighted.



    Hi Millie12. Yes I know what you mean.  I have just reached remission after some 3 years of treatment without SCT,  how long it will last who knows!  Fingers crossed.  I did post that I almost felt under a death sentence the way the posts seemed to read. Perhaps others who have not had sct could comment or post of their stories to encourage others in our position.  Good luck Millie12, I hope all goes well for you




    Hallo Millie
    I was diagnosed 1 Feb. 2010 and was put onto Revlimid (7.5mg.) that I have been taking since then.The first 3 years my m-protein (I think it is still called paraprotein in Britain) slowly went down until it reached a plateau of around .5gr/l. It then remained at this level until about 6 months ago when it started rising minimally, about .1gr./l per month.My consultant is happy for me to stay on this regime until at least 2 consecutive monthly increases of 5gr./l.
    I was diagnosed at age 66 and normal cut-off age for sct was 65. With the benefit of hindsight I am very pleased that I had no sct. I am able to live a normal life without having had to suffer the long period of recovery necessitated by an sct.
    If there is anything else you would like to know, just ask.

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