SCT recovery and vitamins

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jenny9 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi, my partner recently had Stem Cell Transplant and was discharged from hospital last week. We’re wondering if her recovery might be helped by supplements such as high dose vit C, also d3 & k2. We are also considering echinacea, vit b12 and others. Does anyone know if these are likely to be helpful or could be detrimental? She will be starting her 5th and 6th cycles of Dara-VTD in a month or 2, presumably fhis could then affect what she should take?



    Hi Jenny9,I hope your partner’s recovery is swift and straightforward.
    I was prescribed vitamin D3 & K2, and vitamin B12 so was taking both during my recovery from SCT. It’s common for myeloma patients to have low levels of both of these, but not all of us. A B12 level test can easily be added to a routine blood test, or at least it is for me occasionally.
    It’s worth asking the consultant about taking vitamin C & echinacea whilst on consolidation therapy, not many of the longer treated myeloma patients had consolidation cycles, and even fewer have had daratumumab in the mix, so in this instance patients may not be the best people to ask. I have read that some myeloma patients take echinacea but that it shouldn’t be taken continuosly.



    Thanks so much Mulberry for your helpful advice and suggestions. Very best wishes.

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