SCT updates

This topic contains 47 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  tom 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #102919


    Sending positive vibes your way



    Hey Tom,

    Just wishing you all the best….hoping your numbers are dropping then the only way for the neutrophils is up 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Tom

    Ur doing good My Friend and I hope ur up and at em soon.
    I was out on day 16 hope you can beat me.

    Tom Onwards and upwards ????



    Hi Tom

    Just adding my good wishes. Hope everything goes to plan. There's a challenge you can't refuse – beat old(???? Sorry ) toms record 😛
    Love Jean x



    Would like to add my good wishes, 16 days , that's not a bad record to try to beat!
    Best of luck.
    Tony F



    Hi Tom,

    Sorry to hear the hotel stay was so short but hopefully all the anti nausea meds continue to help. Fingers crossed it gets better soon.




    Ahh dear young Tom, wishing you all the best, it will get better soon lots love to you and your lovely wife who must be so concerned for you San xxx



    Hi Tom hope all is going well for you and you are soon on your way home. 🙂



    Hi Tom whilst you were on holiday Geoff went in for his SCT he had Melphalan 31 May and out 12th June really quick response he was waiting for the worse but he was lucky it never really came. He thought the doctors were not looking after him when he asked they told him it was because he was doing so well! Just the long wait now until he has his 100 day tests. :0)



    Just wanted to wish all the Best Tom, chin up you will soon be through this.

    My worse time came at the end when they took out the central line I had in my chest. It spread a load of infections and I was quite poorly at the time. So keep a good eye out 😀 , and do not play the hero if you feel ill say so.

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Tom,

    just would like to send my best wishes, reading your account took me back to January!:-)
    All the very best



    Thanks for all the replies. I'm not really well enough to give individual responses so please accept my apologies in advance.

    Day 5
    I have a pump now fitted which gives me continuous anti nausea relief. And a relief it is. I didn't feel too bad today but I'm not really eating anything. Still having diarrhea. The labs have discovered that I have a C-Diff infection which is the most likely cause, but it's the lesser evil of the two types. I now take a huge antibiotic twice a day to deal with this. Nurse says it should 'begin to dry you out' in about 4 days.

    The diarrhea is the worst thing to cope with at the moment.

    Day 6 (Monday)
    Not much more to add at the moment, I did manage some apple crumble for lunch I'm now awaiting multiple toilet visits.

    Officially I'm not neutropenic yet…..

    more later




    C: Difficule is a pig of an infection Tom… I know because I have had it as an almost permanent companion since last May (2012). It blighted my relationship with Revlimid and finally the medics decided to move me off Rev and onto Bendamustine… against my will, especially after a Haematologist at another hospital (where I was taken after an emergency high infection) said that the C: Diff would most definitely interfere with the absorption of the Revlimid. 🙁

    I told this to my consultant to no avail… the 'team' had decided to move me on to Bendamustine and that was that… for 4 months, until it failed and my consultant and I decided to take the novel route of Velcade for the second time. In all this time I have been on, or weaning off, the drug called 'Vancomycin'. 😎

    They did not discover that I had C: Diff until the end of July 2012, although I started suffering (and that's the right word) with C: Diff in May. My ex-wife, a senior home carer, told me that the symptoms all pointed to C: Diff, in June… but the medics at the hospital ignored her/my suggestions. My ex-wife also told me that 'Vancomycin' was the only effective long term medicine against C: Diff.:-/

    I wish you as much relief as possible while in hospital and a good long-term course of 'Vancomycin' while you recover.:-)

    You have had a bad turn of luck by picking up the C: Diff and I truly hope you can have it treated and defeated quickly and permanently.8-)





    Hi Tom

    Just wanted to send you my positive vibes too! At least the days are passing. Do hope that as you have the "better" sort of C diff you don't suffer as badly or for as long as Diane.

    Here's to a long remission.

    Love Mavis x



    Hi Tom…keep taking the hurdles that SCT throws at you and shortly you will soon be crossing the finish line….unfortunately SCT is not a 5 furlong sprint …but more of a 4 mile slog…keep up the good work and "kick it between the legs"…Phil

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