C: Difficule is a pig of an infection Tom… I know because I have had it as an almost permanent companion since last May (2012). It blighted my relationship with Revlimid and finally the medics decided to move me off Rev and onto Bendamustine… against my will, especially after a Haematologist at another hospital (where I was taken after an emergency high infection) said that the C: Diff would most definitely interfere with the absorption of the Revlimid. 🙁
I told this to my consultant to no avail… the 'team' had decided to move me on to Bendamustine and that was that… for 4 months, until it failed and my consultant and I decided to take the novel route of Velcade for the second time. In all this time I have been on, or weaning off, the drug called 'Vancomycin'. 😎
They did not discover that I had C: Diff until the end of July 2012, although I started suffering (and that's the right word) with C: Diff in May. My ex-wife, a senior home carer, told me that the symptoms all pointed to C: Diff, in June… but the medics at the hospital ignored her/my suggestions. My ex-wife also told me that 'Vancomycin' was the only effective long term medicine against C: Diff.:-/
I wish you as much relief as possible while in hospital and a good long-term course of 'Vancomycin' while you recover.:-)
You have had a bad turn of luck by picking up the C: Diff and I truly hope you can have it treated and defeated quickly and permanently.8-)