SCT very soon

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    Having been in remission since Aug I have opted for STC at Addenbrookes. This and my lead up have been in other posts. I am a fairly fit 56 yr old male.

    I had the Hickman Linee fitted on the 10th Aug, without sedation, and thought I would be in hospital on the 1th. this was already a week later than originally planned. due to lack of bed availability I am due to go in tomorrow, fingers crossed. having the line fitted without sedation was an unusual feeling and on one occasion the guide wire hit the heart wall. That was a really weird feeling. the rest of the time I managed to zone out and this meant I could go home straight after a cup of coffee rather than having time to recover.

    I have read some of the other STC stories andd know I could have everything to ‘look’ forward to. If people are interested I will keep a running blog (if possible) on the way treatment goes.

    Thats all for now




    Hi Graeme

    Good luck with your treatment, hope all goes well.

    David S



    Just b een through my second SCT (thankfully 15 years apart) and whilst it’s rough at times memory fades very quickly as you begin to recover.


    Good luck




    15 years hat is absolutely brilliant and now gives me a new goal.

    Can you explain what you mean by memory fades? Do you mean memroy loss or you forget how bad the first one was?

    Transpiresthebed allocated did not come to fruition so now 3 weeks behind schedule. May be spending Xmas in hospital the way its going. Maybe New Year as well ha-ha.




    Hi Graeme

    Hope all goes well for you. It is not pleasant but very doable. I am 2 years post SCT and getting stronger everyday.

    Best Regards David



    David, 2 years sounds a longtime. Would you mind explaining whetehr you were in remission at SCT and the PP count etc? I am at zero PP and feel great. The only reason to go SCT is to increase the avg 18 month remission.



    You forget how bad it was!

    The melphalan does knock you about. It took a couple of days to get the sickness it causes under control and I basically stopped eating, ultimately losing two stones in weight. Now I’m eating again my taste buds are beginning to come back and my paraproteins have dropped significantly.

    It has to be said that response to the drugs is very personal so there’s no guarantee that you’ll be affected the same way. I was in hospital for just over two weeks so you may be out for Xmas

    I hope it all works out






    So now at addenbrookes having been assigned a bed.

    This is it, I assume I wait for the doctor tomorrow and then start the chemo. Looking forward to the next 3weeks in a perverse way.



    Good luck Dino, I’m in Southampton, had melphalan yesterday, stem cells in tomorrow, so far so good.



    Good luck, another day nearer to a longer remission I hope!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  melaniesn.


    Hi Dino

    When I was in having my stem cell harvest I spoke to a nice man who was up for his 2nd SCT after 7 years. So I am hoping for a few more years without treatment. I was 58 (2013) when diagnosed and nearly 59 when I had my SCT. My consultant has always said I am in partial remission as my counts have never been zero.

    My counts must have been very low at SCT but I can’t remember what they were. I only had 5 courses of Chemo before SCT.

    Hope all goes well for you. The worse things I found was the sore throat and no appetite.

    Best Regards David



    Louis good luck for tomorrow.

    I am having Mephalan this afternoon and the stem cells 24 hrs later. I guess this is the least positive I have been throughout the Myeloma journey. Not worried about the chemo as I just ha be to get on with it. The scary bit is hoping the cells take. Trying to climb over this obstacle in my head but it is difficult.

    Any way enough of my worries so sending my wishes out to each of you going through treatment heads up and lets fight it.

    Oh yes while I remember, Addenbrookes has a hairdresser so I went in this morning and had by receding monk like hair style clipped right back to the skull. I WILL TAKE CONTROL WHERE I CAN LOL. Any offers for someone to carry out the Brazilian? LOL



    I remember it well!
    Hope all goes smoothly for you.
    Keep posting.

    I had sct 3 years ago and just relapsing.
    BUT have had a fantastic last 2 years.

    Keep smiling.



    Thanks Mike I will keep posting but how vivid not sure.

    Chemo in yesterday pm and Shepard’s pie tea time – bad move. Talking on big white phone through the night. If you suffer sickness make sure you tell the nurses as they have lots of various anti sickness drugs. In fact any issues let them know. Share Share Share it really helps.

    Dry toast and weak black tea for brekkie.

    Stem cells pm due today. Another milestone.



    Hi Dino

    Stay positive – we are rooting for you!

    Sending love & hugs,

    C xx


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