SCT very soon

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    Proper V&D here, some meals are fine, some come straight back up.I’m on a pump antiemitic now which helps. Par for the course now I’m into the second week so we just have to put up with it and look forward to getting out in a couple of weeks.



    Had a room change yeserday moving 4 floors closer to my maker. Views are over fields facing Haverhill. Alos means I can get undressed without closin the blinds and turning light out. Had a Eureka moment where I have had 3 bowel movements after waiting 6 days, talk about luxury. May also stop the sickness.

    have drunk a small/ lucozade an the very endof a mars and starting to eat meals again. Supprising how well I have one on tinned fruit.

    So I have finnaly got to the neutrapenic stage and start GRGS injecs tomorrow This has been the nemisis stage in the whole process for me, the one which calmost stopped me being here now.

    I hope others are doing okay.




    I envy you your view Dino, Ive just been moved into a room overlooking a bare courtyard, no action, not even a weed to look at. Still, I’ve now had two full meals without throwing up, just mildly nauseous so it could be a lot worse.



    Louis, Tina always says we pay for things in life – well, other than lack of sleep or vivid dreams this morning at 6am obs I threw up again followed by 3 bouts on the loo all before 8.30. But watching the cars on the road between bouts sort of helped.

    Waiting for Tina to arrive and low/behold another accident on A14 which she is stuck in.

    Neutropenic yesterday so injections today.

    Managed a bag of ready salted crisps yesterday and think I saw them today 😀.

    Get a pair of binos and see if there is any critter movement in the courtyard. Maybe some snails or something.

    How are you feeling this morning?




    Hi Dino. Surprisingly I’m much better with food than drink. Half a glass of water this morning came straight back up but breakfast and lunch were OK. So they are putting in some hydration via the line. Otherwise pretty good, got dressed this morning after a few pyjama days. My wife’s problem is high winds stopping the high speed ferries from the Isle of Wight where we live. I’d rather have our transport problems than have to commute on the A14. Been there, done that.





    Vivid dreams: last night I dreamt I was eating my car. That’s what my mouth feels like.



    Bored. SCT+9, just spoken to the doctor, he says it shouldn’t feel any worse now but not much will change until +14 . Little temperature blips probably due to the mucositis but no big problems. You OK Dino?



    Hi Louis & Dino

    Thank you so much for these insights – as someone who may  well find themselves where you are in the future I am finding your blogs extremely illuminating.

    Hang is there guys – you’re moving onwards & upwards – & hopefully closer towards getting home & more of your life back – everyday!

    I assume you’ve both thought of skype etc as a way of keeping in touch with your nearest & dearest?

    Sending virtual get well soon wishes & hugs,

    C xx



    Yep, been using Skype though when you’re dozy a 10 minute call is about right. I am glad the ward has WiFi. We are all so variable and individual that one person’s experience will always be atypical but I always like to hear other people’s experiences so I hope other people find this of interest.



    lll, looks like I may be back in land of living. as neutrafils got low I crashed physically. that , being sick, having runs and not eating pretty ba. systolic hit 98 through lack of hydration. yesterdays count was 0.01 and today 0.05. foo diabolical when ou are down anyway and a sore thrat does nothing. Thought sickness had gone and Tina came in this morning for me to have 2 bouts but I think more mucus on throat. Last 2 nights resulted in wearing adult nappies in case there was a bcakfire I couldd not control. stomach was like a bubbling cauldron.Ha first cup of teat that tasted something like tea and Tina got some jellie babies for me to chew ~ good sugar content and may bind the tum.

    The consultants tell you the story but not how really bad it is. I am still trying to think of the end game rather than the individual plays. Nurses have been brilll andd even had a doctor supporting me whilst on the big white phone this morning.

    glad you are still doing well Louis – can you sendd your skpe address to an maybe we can patch in?

    I am looking to be out by Friday coming so need to kick in the will power (wasnt he a singer?)





    With the exception of the help of the doctor I could have written pretty much the same story only 5 weeks ago. I’m now worried that I’m putting weight back on faster than I’d like, working in the garden and eating for England!

    It’s amazing how, once the recovery starts, how fast you start getting your strength back – hang in there. You’ll feel for a week or two after you come out but it’ll all be worth it in the relatively short term.






    sorry – you’ll feel rough for a week or two



    Hi Graeme (Dino)

    Sorry you’ve been having such a rough time. I had platelets yesterday and 2 units of blood today so hopefully I’ve avoided that crash. I think I’ve now tried the complete repertoire of mouth remedies: ice lollies, soluble paracetamol, squirty in your mouth stuff that tastes of toothpaste, oral morphine, plus all the mouthwashes. Everything works a bit but nothing really stops it hurting when I swallow. Still, I’m eating quite well but not drinking enough. I can see that will be a problem when they want to stop hydration through the line. I should be writing Christmas cards now. I’m not. Skype email to follow.



    Andrew – that’s very encouraging, here’s hoping!



    Yay! Neutrophils up, throat not so sore, still on drip hydration and antibiotics but I think I’m winning at last.

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