Second opinion

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi all.
    I have got my referral through to see Prof. Jackson at Newcastle Freeman hospital next Tuesday. I don't know if I should be excited or worried :-/ Hopefully I'll come away with more information and maybe a treatment plan 🙂
    I just got my latest PP results they're down from 41 to 36 not a big movement but in the right direction – not enough to get excited about I've been there before.

    All the best everyone



    Hi Andy
    I will be thinking about you Aug 14th
    Glad the proteins are going in the right direction
    How is the back pain?
    Have a good day hope the rain has stopped?
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy,

    At least events are moving upwards and onwards, to coin Tom's phrase. I cannot see Prof Jackson not coming up with a positive action plan and your PP's dropping is a very positive stsrting point.

    I wish you the very best for your appointment. You deserve a good break, a break that leads to the next step… then hopefully it will be all systems go. 😎




    Hi Andy

    Well Done M8 and am sure that Tuesday will soon be here (I hate waiting)
    And never worry about it yet excited is better 😎

    fingers crossed for you

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" x



    Hi Andy
    If good thoughts good get you through this,there are plenty on here for you,as to being excited or worried,could you have been any more worried than you were with not much progress!!!!
    Make it Excited you are going to see one of the people who know all about this dreadful disease,who works in a hospital were trials are being held.

    So come on Andy,you are going to beat this,and be heading for your SCT in no time,do not forget your questions,if you cannot get your pp down,how about SCT,!!!!
    Good Luck Eve



    Hi Andy
    Hope it all goes well, I'm still up for coffee if you want to meet up.
    Love Helen



    Good luck ANdy….really hope you get some answers and a good plan for you.

    Will keep an eye out on fb for how it goes!




    Hi everyone.
    Thanks for all the good wishes for my appointment on Tuesday. I must admit the closer it gets the more anxious I'm becoming 🙁 Anyway as they say worrying never changes anything so I'm trying to be as positive about it as I can be.

    Dear Teresa my back pain has eased off since my radiotherapy. So as long as I don't overdo things it's not too bad. Not that it takes much to overdo things. The rain has eased off here though I saw on the news tonight some parts of the country had some flooding today again.

    Helen my appointment on Tuesday is for 1pm does that fit with you being able to meet up for a coffee? I hope so.

    All the best



    Hi Andy

    Slim says that why worry about it if you cannot change it,and he sleeps like a baby,it's me up in the middle of the night:-/

    It,s the unknown that is worrying,I am sure once you go,you will feel more assured,have you far to travel!!!
    Although Slim is on trials ,it was worrying to see no progress and very worrying,watching other people sail through chemo and go on to SCT,but he got there in the end,and so will you Andy,you are young and fit,

    So good luck.Eve



    Hi Andy
    I will loiter on the sofas by the research pharmacy at 1.30pm ish, it's next to the coffee shop!
    Love Helen

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