
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  meeuu 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #111720


    Hello all.
    After a fairly long absence on this forum (because my wife has been doing very well on Valcade for the past 3 years) I now find I need to seek your opinions/experiences. Quite suddenly on New Years Eve (mid-afternoon) while preparing a meal, she began to talk incoherently and eventually became unconscious. She then had a seizure that lasted about 1 or 2 mins. Later that night in the hosp A&E, she had a second one. Anyway, after a brain scan and blood tests, it was found that nothing in the scan showed up (other than sinusitis) and a lower than normal level of sodium in the blood. She was discharged three days later and is now home, very tired but comfortable. We are due to meet with the our Oncology consultant (who knows us very well after 7 years treatment!) this Friday for her fortnightly dose of Velcade. Has anyone else had similar experience regarding seizures? Would it be a sign that her chemo treatment is due for a change? She has had every type of chemo, incl SCT since she was diagnosed in 2006.
    Regards to all,



    Hi John,

    Although my husband Phil had six cycles of velcade he never had any seizures so I am sorry I can not help with any of your questions. You could try ringing Ellen or Maggie on the infoline as they may know more about possible MM/velcade related causes for seizures, if there are any.

    I hope it was just a blip caused by some sort of imbalance in her blood counts and that it does not happen again. I do know Phil got quite shaky once when his calcium levels went either too high or too low (I am sorry I can’t remember which way they were out of the normal range). Fingers crossed your consultant will have an answer for you.




    Thank you for the reply Megan.



    Hello John, it could well have been the sodium, however Megan is right in advising you to contact our myeloma nurse or your haematology nurse, my Mum had seizures due to her pain medication she was on oxycontin at the time which when reduced and changed to oxynorm stopped. Mums sodium level also dropped after starting Velcade, her fluid intake was reduced at home at the request of her Dr, she ended up on the oncology ward and they improved her condition but i am unsure what they did there for her.Sometimes infections cause problems, but hopefully you will know more on friday, hopefully she will have no more seizures, best wishes to you both San xx



    Thank you Sandra.

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