Serum free light Chains kappa and Lambda

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  teds31 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Guys and Gals, Over the years I have heard of the mention of Light Chains and Lambda but to be honest I never really took much notice as my Consultants always talked in terms of Paraprotiens.

    Can any body give me a quick lesson about them and there relation to Myeloma? Where in the scale of things are light chains at 19 and Lambda at 18 for example? Now Dai was the guy for this, I have fond memories of him and his music.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi David – I have been told the normal ratio for kappa/lambda light chains is between 0.26 – 1.65.
    Kappa from 3.3 – 19.4 and the lambda from 5.7 – 26.3 (mg/litre of blood). Your ratio 19/18 = 1.05 which is perfectly normal.Congratulations.



    Hi David
    Well this is how I understand it …. A normal immunoglobulin ( A,D,E,G or M ) is usually drawn as a Y shape, made from 2 heavy chains with 2 light chains bound to it on either side, kappa and lambda.
    Light chains are not fixed very firmly so it’s not uncommon for the normal population to have low levels of flc in their blood as they can fall off and float free… Hence free light chains. As long as the ratio of kappa (normal range 3-19)to lambda (NR 5-26)stays correct roughly 1 kappa to 1.5 lambda, then there isn’t a problem. The problem starts when the levels begin to rise of 1 flc to the other. You can have high flc in other inflammatory conditions like arthritis etc, which is why we have bone marrow biopsies as well to double check the level of the disease. Some people can have low levels to upwards of 30-50,000
    So using me as an example. my levels of flc before the Velcade in May were 7 kappa and 155 lambda with bone marrow involvement of around 20% showing that the disease had returned … last month they were ..undetectable kappa and 8 lambda… Still an abnormal ratio but at very low levels again.
    So get your kappa and lambda numbers – work out the ratio and bobs your uncle.. Hope this makes sense
    Love Helen



    Thanks Ladies, Yes, it makes sense to me anyway. At the moment I am doing well I see. I will have to start getting used to using these measurements I think.

    Many thanks for the help.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  Perkymite.



    David – thank you for asking this question and thank you to Rebecca and Helen for your helpful replies.

    Phil is slowly relapsing for the first time and at his clinic appointment today light chains were mentioned for the first time ever. Since his diagnosis we have only ever been told about the PP numbers. I knew I had read this thread on the forum so I searched for it and I have printed it out for Phil so he will know what to ask when he calls on Friday to get his most recent blood test results. So far we only have the Lamba number so we will need to get the kappa result as well to fully understand what is happeneing.

    Thanks again to all three of you.




    Megan you are right. It is the ratio you need to monitor as well as the total kappa and lambda numbers.




    Hi David,
    I found out about light chains last time I went to see the consultant and wondered what it was all about, but there is a good pamphlet you can download (or just read) on this site under the information section. Ted.

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