Short break from CDT – now on 5th cycle

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  ange 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,

    Just thought I would update on my progress. I managed 4 cycles of CDT but struggled through the last few weeks of it not sleeping at all, feeling very spaced out etc. I also had quite marked facial numbness and on top of that hot flushes and night sweats to contend with! My paraprotein had reduced from 42 to 15 so that was excellent. It was decided to give me a month off treatment, during that time my paraprotein had risen to 19.5 but I feel much better and stronger to cope with the rest of the treatment now. The aim is to continue CDT until I reach plateau phase and then stem cell collection. I am not working now and am managing to relax more, enjoying quality time with family and making the best of it.

    Best wishes to all



    Hi Andrea

    Best of luck with remaining CTD and SCT? Hope you get many years of remission

    Maureen x



    It sounds as if you are going in the right direction Andrea. Most of the Chemo seems to give the sleepless nights etc…

    Keep going it is all worth it in the end.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Maureen and David,

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I have been referred to Cardiff discuss stem cell collection and SCT. Thankfully I am coping really well with CTD at the moment.

    Best wishes

    Andrea xx



    Hi Andrea

    Glad you have been able to resume your CDT. I had six lots and it got me into complete remission and I have remained so for nearly 2years. For various reasons I didn’t go down the SCT route.

    Hope things go really well for you.




    Hi Mavis

    Thank you for your message, lovely to hear how well you are doing. I think my treatment is going to take a bit longer now. After completing cycle 5 my paraprotein has now gone up to 20.5, this was on a reduced thalidomide of 50 mg so I am now back on 100 mg for cycle 6. They would like my paraprotein to be in single figures before considering stem cell collection but it may be that I will plateau at a higher level, not sure what would happen in that case.

    Best wishes to all


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