short time is remission

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 6 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,

    I was diagnosed in feb2017, my light chains were very high and I had paraprotein of 9.7, extensive lessions on my spine and a few on my hip and ribs. I had 5 cycles of VTD which I responded to very well with few side effects, followed by a short break before an auto SCT in sept 2017.

    I achieved a very good partial response by day 100 (Jan 2018) but had achieved a complete remission by may 2018. I have been taking 10mg Lenalidomide as maintenance from April 2018 (sourced from India with my consultants approval). Obviously I was really pleased with the complete remission status and have had a great summer feeling like things are improving and life is not so bad. However, at my clinic appointment this week I have been told my light chains are rising quite quickly (200 at the moment) and my para protein level is up to 3 (it was only 9 on diagnosis). My consultant seemed very negative about the whole situation and says it is very bad news to have had such a short remission, not good for my prognosis at all. I am really devastated about this news and need some advice! The suggestion is that I have more VTD (or something similar) to bring the levels down followed by a auto and allo SCT. I’m not at all sure about this as the risks seem so high but then I know it’s only being suggested as they don’t think my chances are great without it (the double SCT). I think my best option is to get on the CAR T therapy trail but I may not even be eligible, and I know I definitely wont be eligible if I have the allo SCT. However, I know that an allo SCT could be a good option if it works. It seems that most people who have had the allo SCT are in the younger (under 50) age category and maybe have not had failed auto SCT, but I’m not sure. I am 56 and have no kidney problems, heart problems or anything else really, although I do have non symptomatic Multiple Sclerosis.

    Sorry this is such an outpouring but I think I am in shock still and don’t know where to turn to for help.



    Hi Sue, I am so sorry to hear of your short remission and if you are deemed as relapsing then you have some very big decisions to make. If it were me I would first seek out, at least, a second opinion with a leading Mm specialist – if you phone the helpline they will recommend some. If you wish to research/seek opinion I would duplicate this post on the US Mm Beacon forum ( stating you are in the Uk). There is a wealth of knowledge and personal experience of the double transplant on the site along with Car T discussions. This is such a big decision please ensure you feel fully involved/comfortable with the decision making process and, for me, that means having a dialogue with other specialists and helpline – who may also be able to advise on trial eligibility/availability.
    Good luck



    Thanks for the reply Rebecca. I may try and get a second opinion at one of the hospitals that are running the AUTO2 trial (CAR t ). I am at the QE in Birmingham and I know that my consultant is already considered an expert in Myeloma but I also think it can’t hurt to get another professional opinion. I will also post on the US site, just to see what experience people have had of the Allo SCT or CAR T, although I think CAR T is only at trial stage everywhere so there are no long term results. I think I am still not really believing the blood results as I feel really well, just been on holiday climbing mountains!




    So sorry to read about your short remission time? How are you Sue? What treatment route are you taking?

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