Side effects after Cycle 4


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jennya 1 year, 9 months ago.

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    I finished Cycle 4 of DVTD 8 days ago and I have about an 8x week break before my stem cell transplant.
    I was wondering if there are any side effects from coming off all the medication of the DVTD?
    I am mainly experiencing issues with my body temperature – I am either having hot sweats (particularly at night) or I keep getting chills and I feel cold.
    I take my temperature with an ear thermometer and the readings are normal.
    Thank you



    I didn’t have daratumumab during my induction (it wasn’t available then) but I haven’t heard of side effects coming off it. Generally myeloma patients feel increasingly physically well when they are in this period between induction treatment and stem cell transplant. Their myeloma has been knocked back to a low level, or is no longer evident, and they no longer have unwanted side effects from steroids, Thalidomide, Velcade or Daratumumab.
    We all have anxiety about the impending stem cell transplant, but I remember this period as feeling particularly physically well. (I was lucky enough not to have bone lesions)
    It gave me understanding of what “treatable” in myeloma means, I had a real improvement in quality of life, and although it took a while to return after SCT, it did, and for me it remains that way 4 years later.



    Thank you Mulberry – it’s maybe something else then, I’m seeing my consultant on Tuesday I will discuss with them further.

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