Six months today

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  gina45 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi all, just thought i would bob in and see how everyone is.
    It's been six months to the day that mum passed away.
    We still miss her everyday, but we are also glad she isnt in anymore pain.
    My sister and I are doing a Myeloma coffee morning on the 1st of December.
    I have spoken to the academy where i work and they are letting us do it at the school. We want to make it a big affair 1. in memory of mum as it will be 12 months since mum passed. 2. To hopefully raise lots of awareness into myeloma. 3. Hopefully to raise lots of money into the research of Myeloma.
    We are doing a tombola and we are going to ask local businesses if they will provide us with prizes. My cousin is making cupcakes and also doing a cross stitch picture to raffle off. Another friend is making cupcakes also. My sister has got some friends knitting myeloma teddies to sell. We are also going to let the local paper and radio station advertise for us. The ICT department at work are also going to help us to get some posters done.
    So on the day we hope to have all the leaflets ,banners and balloons up and let as many people as we can be made aware of myeloma.
    This is something for us to do which is also helping us cope.
    I hope everyone is ok, please let me know how you are doing, and take care
    Gina x

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