Sleep… what's that when its at home?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 13 years, 7 months ago.

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    Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care
    The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
    Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
    Chief nourisher in life's feast.


    I get what Will Shakespeare's on about but I so rarely get a good night's sleep that I must be sleep starved.

    Well you would think so… but I seem to manage with the occasional nap and 3 or 4 hours in one stretch at some time during the night. Occasionally I get 7 or 8 hours sleep and I am a different man… I feel alive, energised and generally always have a good day. I use sleeping tablets but try not to take them too often otherwise they just stop being effective… so now and again I have to go a few days without taking one just to break the dependence. 🙁

    My main gripe is that I go to bed and fall asleep Okay but then I wake (usually for the toilet) and then can't back off.:'-(

    What's your experience? Has anyone got any tried and tested methods that really work? 😎




    Ah sleep, where for art thou. Not in my bleeding house anyway.
    Peter can sleep on a sixpence at the drop of a hat, but staying asleep without a visit to the loo now thats another thing. When he is well he walks the dogs at an ungodly hour usually 5 or 6 am poor dogs miss there lie in. He then comes back to bed and has the next 4 hours or so.
    Me I used to go to bed and watch tv for about 30-40 mins and fall asleep with it on a timer. But now I have started to read books again after years of not bothering I can manage 2 whole pages before I am comatose. I wake regularly at 4-30 and my mind goes into overdrive and I sort our all my problems then fall asleep about an hour later and forget what I sorted!
    Once a week I take knock out drops and sleep the sleep of the dead, and wake up with a headache but not tired.
    I don't know who said the older you get the less sleep you need.. it is utter rubbish.
    When your pandering to the whims of a man who one day wants brown bread with his sandwich and then the next swears he never said that, exasperations drives sleep away. He is the worlds worst patient at home but a model patient in hospital. hmmf Must find a way to get him back in there! but as the visiting is exhausted theres nothing to be gained.
    My knock out drops came from Florida (wallmart) and they are brilliant. Perhaps I will take another trip to get some more soon.. Thus getting a rest from the man with MM.
    Desperate Min




    what is a good night sleep since I have been diagnosed with renal failure I have to get up twice some times three times a night can get off again some nights but others its tossing and turning for hours I get three hours good sleep then it all goes to pot but at least I am not on dialysis, keep drinking "THE WATER!"
    lOVE jO 🙁 😉 X




    You are brilliant dont know how you cope especially with not much sleep you must feel you are going up the wall at times I know what you mean about 4.30 in the morning if I wake up then my mind goes barmy well perhaps I am barmy!

    Love Jo 😛 xx



    Hi Dai like youI have not had a full nights sleep since being diagnosed 5 years ago!! Apart from the fact that I have to sleep in a semi sitting position I rarely manage more than 2 or 3 hours a night! Mind you I can cat-nap with the best of them ,and Jeff watches me like a hawk sometimes ( I have been known to drop off despite having a cup of coffee in my hand!) On the plus side motor racing , snooker or cricket can send me to the land of nod in a flash but it would be lovely to stay there a bit longer love Bridget x



    Thanks all, its good to know its not 'just me'… not that I thought it would be mind you. >:-(

    Min, you are a gem, truly… I can't help but wonder what Janet is thinking sometimes… I too am a model patient (In) and I imagine not so (Out)… I know I exasperate her at times… even when Dex is not on the menu. Janet spent the day at our Grandson's School fete yesterday… Kirstin volunteered her for 'tea' duties.. after she had baked numerous cakes, cup-cakes, macarooney whatsits and those soft crumbly ones filled with soft butter cream and coated with chocolate…. mmm… chocolate. So, anyway, she has been baking for a couple of days, does her shift at the school and then comes home with a shop bought Pizza for tea and apologises as if she is somehow letting me down… I could cry, truly.:-(

    I love my carer and I hope the rest of you feel loved too… it is so easy just to carry on carrying on and forgetting to stop and say thank you… proper job. xxx

    Its Sunday morning, a lovely day outside my window and I feel tired, tired, tired… I too have to sleep in a funny position Bridget… the local District Nurse got me a hospital bed within 10 days of me arriving here 2 years ago an it has been a godsend… I get a better nights sleep the further I lay back but if I stretch out too far I wake up in pain… sometimes I fall asleep sitting up and wake up a wreck… I have one of those half-tables that swings over the bed… it is crammed with 'useful' items, including my Mac laptop and jug of water etc… it never quite feels like bed, if that makes sense… but I know that if I wake I will check emails, MMUK, my songwriting site etcetera, etcetera…. I'm my own worst enemy… what am I like? :-S

    I think I need a nap.8-)




    Hi All

    Forgotten what a good sleep is!! Min I need your drops, when are you going to the states again? I sleep with ear plugs listening to radio 4 extra i hear the start of a story hear the end, miss the middle!!! I keep having to buy books from amazon just to read the middle:-| Such is life;-)

    all the best sarah



    Ah, sarah…

    Now that is a sleep pattern and way of life that I understand and relate to.:-| Life is full of gaps in the middle at the moment. :-/


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