So Alone

This topic contains 56 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 12 years ago.

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  • #107985


    Dear Mary I am sorry to hear about Tony,I hope the funeral gose as well as expected.

    ..Love Tom xxx



    Thought i was prepared but one never is many thanks for your kind words all you are going through ive experienced so please keep strong and remember the good times and give him a hug
    Take care
    Mary x



    Many thanks gonna rain tommorow not just outside but inside too he was my best fiend fishing buddy pool playing buddy footy buddy my everything but was so brave right to the end
    Mary x



    Hi sue
    Have just read your first post I am so sorry that you are and Michael are are in this difficult place as I retired district nurse I urge you to contact them in many ways they are better at pain control than the gp we use to tell the drs what we wanted. Disttrict nurses also work 7 days a week. When Gordon came home for the last time I contacted my pld team not the hospice or the macs they were as I knew they would be brilliant.
    My love to you both hold Michael tight.




    Hi Sue

    Had missed your last post. sorry you have been so low, but it is so understandable. I had been thinking of you both, especially over Christmas, I know what a difficult time it must have been.

    As everyone says, do keep nattering support staff about the pain control.

    Lots of love and prayers.

    Mavis xxxx



    Dear Mary

    So sorry to hear your sad news.

    All love.

    Mavis x



    Hi Mary

    Just thought I would ask how you are? hope you are doing ok

    Love Tom xxx



    Hi Mary

    So sorry to hear your news. I haven't been on here for a while so sorry this is late. Sending big hugs. Take care.

    Love sarah xxxx



    Hi sue

    Don't apologise for feeling the way you do. I often think when I'm sitting on the train home what would happen if I missed my stop and never came back 🙁 but then henry would be all alone fighting myeloma. Being a carer is so hard. Henry is in remission now but he is a different person after all the chemo and that upsets me so much. I have to think for the two of us sometimes, but I love him so much and will do anything I can to get him through this. Life isn't fair but stay positive and take care.
    Love sarah xx



    Many thanks for your thoughts its so tough to lose your best friend as well as husband.
    Mary x



    Many thanks for your concern so sad cannot bear it some days
    Mary x



    Ok but xmas and new year was tough whats your link yo myeloma
    Mary x



    Hi Mary

    Am sure it was/is tough for you at anytijme let alone this time of the year, Hugs sent to you ((HUGS))

    My Link with MM is I was told in 2009 that I had it went through CTD them stemcell transplant in Dec 2009 and now am drug free, Thanks for asking.

    I hope this year you find time to remember the God times and am sure you both had plenty.

    Love Tom xxx



    Hi All Thank you for your replys, Christmas wasnt to bad i kept myself very busy so didnt have time to think, but New years Eve not so good. Went to bed about 10 o clock just lay awake then listened to all the fireworks going off thats when it hit me, Michael was sound asleep (mophine Induced) I just let the tears roll, time is passing so quickly I keep asking myself why did his consultant tell us how long its torture.

    Love to all




    Hi sue
    Am pleased Xmas was ok for you, this time of year is difficult for us all and I send you hugs during those dark moments (( hugs )) am not sure why you were both told how long?? As it doesn't sound like it has helped.
    Stay strong.

    Love Tom xx

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