
This topic contains 28 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Dear Eve

    Have been off site for a while. Just caught up with all your troubles.
    Just to let you know I too am thinking positive thoughts for you and Slim. I sympathise with your wish to get him safely home as soon as possible. And they say the NHS is safe in their hands!




    Thank you ever one for all your kind thought ,min I do not know what I would have done without all your help,you do tend to forget that people on this
    sight have been in your position.
    min you gave me hope,Slim is starting to recover its the first day in 21 days that I am not in the hospital by 8-30 am.I am amazed how quickly he has turned round.
    I am sorry for not being able to help boost other people these last few weeks,will try to make up for it when I get him home.

    Wishing you all kind thoughts.:-)



    Hi Eve

    I am so glad to hear that Slim has started to recover. He certainly has had a terrible time I hope he goes from strength to strength quickly. Don't forget to look after yourself. My best wishes and prayers are with you both.
    Take care
    Live Jean xx



    Oh good gracious Eve, you poor soul and poor Slim too – what an awful lot to be going through all at the one time. Bless you both.

    I've just got my John home from hospital after a couple of weeks. Some staff were so helpful, others not so much. John had a bad fall down the stairs then has been suffering terribly with diahhorea from Velcade. He is disabled, needs help with mobility, toileting etc ….. on one occasion in hospital after going to loo he asked for assistance getting cleaned up "Indeed I will not" was the nurses response to him when he asked for her help. Its bad enough for them being ill and unable to care for themselves but to be humiliated and almost having to beg for help and plead your case explaining what all your problems are is just ridiculous. John has lost alot of his confidence, I bet Slim is feeling the same way right now.

    Its exhausting caring for someone with this disease. You have to be 4 steps ahead in thinking all the time, covering all the "what ifs". It wouldn't be so exhausting if NHS staff co-operated slightly, it would certainly take a bit of the pressure off us carers but instead we have to be there, watching, asking … and at times its like getting blood from a stone.

    I truly hope Slims situation improves both his health and his surroundings and care. I'm completely flaberghasted after reading a few of your posts, absolutely shocking level of "care". I understand completely Eve why you would want to scoop him up and take him home where he'll be safe and sound. Also, you mustn't apologise for speaking the truth! Heavens, its not all a bed of roses … we all go through good and bad patches, sharing these experiences is what the site is all about, it gives us all a perspective on what could potentially happen to us or out loved ones, what we should perhaps be looking out for ourselves and also what was done to help put things right again. We all learn from each other and send get well thoughts and good wishes to you too. I'm a great believer in the power of thought, I think it makes all the difference.

    Sending love to you and to your Slim Eve,
    Bless you both with brighter days ahead
    Love, Angelina xx



    Hi Eve

    Am pleased Slim is getting better 😀 I know its been hard to wait but honest the wait is worth it 😎

    When I was poorly then got better I used to count the Good days that had no bad ones following it and Lord was it Good, as for now I am Months and months of Good Days 😎 and Slim will do same 🙂

    Love to you Both

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Eve so glad slim is starting to recover my thoughts and prayers have been with you both, he must be a very strong man to be able to come through all that has happened I hope he will be home with you very soon
    Love jO:-)



    Hi Eve.
    Im so pleased to hear that Slim is finally making progress…:-) You will have him home soon, and be able to get on with your life again.
    I was in your place, some time ago and had not found this site at that time but I know I would have given my eye teeth to be able to hear something positive from others who had been thru the experience.
    I think my greatest fear was when Peter lost all his weight, I didn't think he would ever have the strength be able to gain some of it back. I didn't reckon on his ability to fight this evil monster in him either.
    We are all here because we need support of one another in many ways. Sometimes its just contact with another person who understands.
    Stay positive
    😉 Love Min



    I cannot imagine what you put in your post to cause offense as I have not been on here for a while, but I think it would take a great deal to offend us lot. After all the greatest offense is getting this b**tard disease!!!

    I am so glad that Slim seems to be on the mend. Fingers crossed that he keeps on improving.




    Hi Everyone,
    21 days and Slim has come home,All 9st 8lbs of him,walking on two sticks.but its wonderful ,sleeping a lot food intake has improved also.back to hospital Friday will find out about chemo.
    Just so glad to have him home.
    A friend came round to help me clean house as 12 to 14 hour day in hospital finished me off,another friend took our dog home,but everything is ship shape now,house clean,dog back,had a sleep with Slim beside me,what more could I ask for.
    Thanks again for getting me through this,bad turn my love to you all.eve



    Hi Eve

    Am pleased Slim is home, and his food intake is on the up, If slim is anything like me al say not to worry if the weight does not come back as fast as it left because it took me months to gain mine back (but it came back with a vengeance He he.

    Not forgetting Eve you yourself got yourself through this difficult time, and I say a well done to you 🙂

    Love Tom xxxx



    Excellent news Eve!!

    How wonderful you've got Slim back home safe and sound, what a relief for you all. Now you can pamper and care for him the way you want to and at your own pace without restrictions of visiting times etc. You must be absolutely exhausted carrying so much on your own shoulders these past weeks. I know its not a burden, we all love our husbands/wives and would do anything for them … but its exhausting and draining all the same.

    Hopefully with a bit of encouragement, some tender loving and some nice home cooking Slim will be able to gain a bit of weight back again. It will make a world of a difference to him being back in the comfort of his own home in his own surroundings, that itself will help along his appetite for both food and life again.

    I'm pleased to read a friend has been helping with household chores, unfortunately the world continues to turn no matter how hard we want it to stop. Please make sure you are not running yourself into the ground, I'm as much preaching to myself here as I am to you … I'm running after John at the moment following his discharge from hospital and I don't actually realise how tired I am until I sit down and stop for a moment, thats when it all catches up with me.

    Sending you lots of positive energy Eve and big hugs too
    God Bless
    Angelina xx



    Hi Eve

    Wonderful news that Slim is now home with you where he belongs. I hope he goes from strength to strength. Glad that you haave such good friends that are able to help you, just make sure you look after yourself.

    Love to you both
    Jean xx



    Wonderful news Eve

    so glad slim is home you can build him up now you can feed him on all the things he likes, you really do find out true friends in times of trouble dont you, sounds as if you have some really good ones
    Keep us posted

    Love Jo 😎



    Hi Eve brilliant news I am so glad Slim is home where he belongs . Now he can start to get better and you can relax knowing he is safe with you looking after him Dont wear yourself out though , make time for you as well love Bridget x

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