
This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Michele 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #110475


    Hi Folks
    Ellen has noticed a few items of junk sneaking onto the forum which I have now bashed on the head. We've been pretty lucky so far, as we've only had a couple of bits of spam over the last year or so. If you do spot anything dodgy being posted please send me a message at and I'll sort it out.

    Myeloma UK WebTeam



    Thanks for that Stuart, but I aint noticed any? (unless its mine lol)

    Cheers Tom "Onwards and upwards"



    Hey Tom there were two lots of spam this morning – oh boy I'm on the ball!! When I read it I had no idea what to do about it.
    Love Jean x



    Yes, I spotted someone called "Lanshan". Obviously spam!!



    I hate to voice the possibility but I have had my suspicions about a couple of posts from concerned 'friends' or 'relatives' regarding the onset of MM but then we never hear from them again… I don't know why but something about the posts made me suspicious or a tad uncomfortable… I truly hope I'm wrong but there are some sad people out there.




    Hi you all, well well spotted that Jean you ought to play for Scunthorpe United Lol. yes some psts have had me think and for that reason I have left them for a bit 🙁 sad I know but I dont want to feed sicko's anywhere let alone on here.
    Now we all know how/where to report it to well done the Tech folks x



    Hi Everyone,

    This is what I have never understood,people come on here desperate for some knowledge,then b—er me,they do not even bother to reply,is it that they have only concern for them!!!!!! or are they some sick person who gets a kick from knowing these people are fighting for there lives.

    Its a sad day when people need to troll this site,it does make you think,about how they have no life of the own,should feel sorry for them:-P



    Hi Everyone

    If it is any help to anyone, I tend to look at peoples profiles before I reply:-P

    If some one is not prepared to identify themselves,it is questionable,some of the posting is more than questionable Dai,its sick.Eve



    I'm glad I've just read what some other folk are thinking at the moment because I'm pretty sure there are some "imposters" posting threads at the moment who don't seem to have any definite connections with MM at all.

    It doesn't take me long to work out who's genuine and who to quietly ignore.


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