
This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi every one i'v a question!!!! I had my stem cell transplant 5 weeks ago every thing's fine apart from itchy spots on my face and back !!! has any one else had this problem ??? The only thing i can think it could be are the anti viral tablets that i'm on ??? Any help would be appreciated thank's Sandra.



    Hi Sandy
    How big and how many spots? I have small round hard spots on arms legs shoulders, pin head size, very itchy. I had my sct 9 weeks ago and my consultant said these happen to people after transplant but there is no clear reason for them. If you have a general rash I'd see the doc tomorrow.
    Hope this helps and you are recovering well



    I had my SCT in Nov last year and I still get the odd itchy spot. It is normally one or two or sometimes just a single spot. They seem to come up and disappear just as quick. I would seek medical advice if it is a persistent rash you might need a stronger dose of Anti Virus tablets.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Thank's Helen i'm off to see doc later this afternoon, Yes i think i'm doing ok just get tired when walking, Can i ask you another thing ? how long have you been told to keep away from people ?? Sandra.



    I wasn't really told to stay away from people, I just tried to be sensible and stayed about 5 feet away from everyone. I went wherever I felt like, which wasn't much, I have picked up a cold this weekend but no idea where from as i've been giving anyone with any overt illness a very wide berth and I'm still very tired very quickly.



    Cheers Helen Doc's given me some cream and anti hystemine tablet, hope that does the trick !!! Off out on Friday for a girly lunch o i'll make them all stay 5 foot away lol Hope your cold's not too bad. Sandra.



    Hi Sandy

    Am pleased you are avin the spots sorted 😎 I had a Rash after my SCT but no one seemed to worried about it and it went away on its own :-D.

    After My SCT I never stayed away from people just made sre they had no Illness and I sailed through the Post sc bit.

    Love to you all

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx

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