Start new Regime on Monday 20/01/2014

This topic contains 81 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  tom 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #112098


    Cheers Kevin
    Its gonna roll well this new treatment,Happy Birthday to your Stem Cells, its great to be in remission and more so when they give you 6 months before you see Dr again.
    Keep well Kevin

    Tom onwards and upwardsx



    All the very best Tom.

    Remember, you’re not on your own…we’ll all be lurking around cheering you along!

    Michele x



    All the best Tom with the new regime Monday
    You are such an inspiration
    Can I ask did they take enough stem cells on your first harvest or do you need to go through that again?

    God bless
    Chris x



    Good luck Tom and have many more years of remission in a short time my friend.



    Good luck today Tom as you set out on the next stage of your journey. I hope everything goes to plan and you are drug free again soon.
    Don’t forget to keep on taking your vodka.

    Every day is a gift
    No matter the weather.

    Andy xx



    Thanks you all.

    Had first one done today and that consisted of Bloods taken, Zometa infusion,10 iccle Dex tabs, oh and one amaprasil (check spelling lol) and my Subcut Velcade, The Velcade will be given every week, the bloods every three weeks, the Dex and Amaprasil to be taken once a week. jobs a good un.

    Chris when my cells were collected in 2009 i harvested enough for just under two transplants 🙂 but when they were delivered in December 2009 some one had put them in three bags and not two 🙁 so the consultant said we will use them all and that left me with None in stock 🙁 so it will be another harvest for me am afraid,but hey ho I know it works so am happy (ish) lol.

    Stay well you all and Thanks for all your support 🙂

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Hi Tom

    You always post so positively! Even though I am pumped full of drugs as I have had my melphalan plus so many other drugs today, I have to share my good news about my stem cells.

    I have boasted about my 15 million collected cells elsewhere on this forum, but today finally had a chance to ask a consultant how they will be returned. He said that as they have been separated into 3 bags, I will have 5 million cells returned to me on Wednesday. Now I have to be happy about that!




    Dear Carol
    Hope it’s going well, and I don’t know if you realise the magnitude of your stem cell collection…..but that is 5 million per kilo of your body weight that they will give you back! So if you weigh 60 kilo you will get 300,000,000 stem cells back! Mind boggling eh! Good luck with it.



    Goodness Helen I weighed 92.2kg this morning (thanks steroids and a husband who “encourages” me to eat) so is that 92.2 times 5 million? Astounding! They had darn well better work exceedingly well and exceedingly fast or I will be exceedingly frustrated!

    Do you see the time I am posting this? That’s cos they hit me with intravenous steroids before the saline and chemo and thanks to the 5 hours of saline I am up and down to the toilet!




    Yep that’s 92.2 x…… I can’t work that out! It’s a big number! 450,000,000 or there abouts. I found the whole SCT experience quite fascinating in a funny way! I just wish I’d not been on the receiving end! It is an amazing procedure.. Terribly clever how the whole process works. I’ve not been asleep before 1 most nights since diagnosis… I think the steroids altered my body clock! Either that or else I just have to pack more in and not waste time sleeping.



    Hi Carol
    Bragg away young lady that’s something that should be shouted from the rooftops and you have some spare I will need to do another harvest



    Hi Carol
    Bragg away young lady that’s something that should be shouted from the rooftops and you have some spare I will need to do another harvest



    Well double post and some missing



    Hi all

    I’m a newbie to the forum but just wanted to share that when I was on Velcade I was in dire pain but I saw the pain team and they prescribed Gabapentin which took all my pain away.




    Hi Tom

    Hope all goes well with the new treatment and you don’t have too want side effects.

    Keep drinking the vodka and it’ll help to kill of the mm lol.


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