Stem Cell Harvest & SCT

This topic contains 17 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #100006


    Hi Paul
    The smell is enough to put you off sweetcorn for life,the funny thing was Slim could not smell it.
    Eat as much as you can as it will not take long for you,to go off food and drink:-(
    Lots of under wear you can just through away,its just so much hassle trying to drag you drip to the loo,so if you can get enough fluid inside you,it will be easier.
    I found it harder work, as a carer once Slim was home,tiredness mainly because you are trying to keep everything clean cook lots of small meals,and I use to wake up every time,Slim moved so prepare the wife,make sure she takes things easy,and if I was you ban kids for awhile,or adults who so much as sneeze8-)Love Eve



    Hi Paul

    Just checking in to see how things are going with you – and to let you know that you're being thought of.

    Love Alison



    Hi Paul

    How's it going?

    Vicki and Colin

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