Stem cell harvest will my immune system be ok?

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    Around September I will be having my stem cells harvested, naively I thought this would happen all in one go when I went into hospital for the stem cell treatment ( the 2 to 3 week stay) but I now realise there is a gap between stem cell harvest and the hospital admission. My concern is my immune system during this in-between period- will i have one or a greatly reduced one? I’m a carer for my wife and we plan to go on a uk holiday. Common sense tells me I will have an immune system but I’m anxious about it. Thanks



    Hi. I had my stem cell transplant in May. The harvesting took place 2 weeks before. It’s the transplant, not the harvesting,
    that affects the immune system because the high dose chemo (Melphalan) basically kills off a lot of the good cells in your bone marrow as well as killing the cancer cells. Some of my cell counts went down to zero. The harvesting doesn’t affect your immune system and didn’t make me feel ill in any way. The only issue about taking a holiday during the gap is whether you know how long the gap will be. I didn’t get a transplant date until the harvesting was done and they wanted me to go in for the transplant the following week. I asked for an extra week so I could get all my arrangements in place. Best wishes with the process.



    Glen, many thanks for your reply, it’s put mind at rest. Thanks again.



    We went off to France for a week in the time between harvesting and SCT. Checked with the team and they said ok, told immune system probably the best it’s been for a while, pps down and not on any treatment.




    Did anyone’s myleoma levels increase between harvesting and SCT? If so, did doctors say what an “acceptable” rise is? Seems I may have to have more chemo to bring level down!





    gcoulter thanks for the information, i can hopehully enjoy my holiday now.

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