Stem Cell Harvest

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  tom 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hello All,

    My hubby Steve is currently doing his GCSF injections , he is on day 5 of 7. On Friday he had his monthly dose of Pamidronate.

    He has suffered terrible pain in his lower back, where he had tumours when first diagnosed.
    He describes it like spasms, like a war going with his nervous and muscles. The pain has been dreadful.
    We are due at Kings College on Monday to start the harvest.

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Thank Lolly



    Hi Lolly

    I think it's supposed to be a good sign when you experience pain in your joints and bones after the GCSF injections because it shows there are changes happening in the bone marrow environment as the drug stimulates the stem cells to leave the bone marrow and enter the bloodstream where they can be collected for use in Steve's transplant.

    When I received my GCSF injections I was always warned I might experience bone pain, headache or flu like symptoms and to take some pain killers, or a hot bath or use a hot water bottle/pad for pain relief. However, I didn't experience any side effects which probably explained why my first lot of injections didn't work and it took a further few weeks of injections before I was ready for harvesting.

    Hopefully the pain Steve is experiencing is a good sign his body is responding well and producing sufficient stem cells ready to be harvested next week. I hope all goes well. Don't forget to take some drinks (with straws) and food for him because it's a long time when you are connected to the harvesting machine and unable to move.

    Jan x



    Hi Lolly

    The GCSF do cause bone pain with some people,and I suppose they hit the weaker area ,you should gave been warned about them,best to take it at night,then he can have some pain relief and sleep it off.

    If you look up GCSFor you should have a leaflet with them,Slim is on Nivestim ,which is a GCSF drug at this moment to help draw white cells out to his blood ,but apart from fatigue and general bone pain he is ok.

    Hope you find a leaflet or you can down load one from the net.

    The worse side effects are concerning the splean and fever
    I think I can remember,they asked when Slim was due his Zometa,so this just might be the problem,I would ring in,they can always get a doctor to ring you. Eve



    Hi Jan & Eve, thanks so much for your reply.. We were told re pain, but just such a shock to see him in so much pain 🙁

    And I think sometimes when your being told stuff, I cant always take it all in.. All such a rollercoaster for all..




    Hi lolly

    That gcsfs cause a lot of back and other pain so that's probably a good sign for the harvest of cells. No pain no gain ha ha 🙂 best of luck with the harvest. Colin had hardly any pain and it took him three goes to get the cells and only just got the 2 million

    Good luck with yours

    Vicki and colin




    My Mum got terrible pains, worse than any labour pain she said at the time. The others are right, no pain no gain. Mum was connected to the machine for 2 days (gosh or was it 1?) Sorry, fancy forgetting! Anyway she collected enough cells for 2 transplants 🙂

    Good luck for the harvest

    Love Ali x



    Hi Lolly and Steve

    Yes I had those pains real real bad, lower back and chest that bad is stopped me in my tracks and could not breath, mine started ont fir and continued till the Monday (in spasms) had my collection on the Tuesday and walla enough for two harvest in one 3/4hour sitting..

    So here's hopping Steve is same good luck with it

    Tom onwards and upwards xx

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