Stem Cell Transplant


This topic contains 18 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi ac
    Good to hear you are back home and recovering well. Hope you are feeling much more like yourself again soon xx



    Morning to everyone. After nearly 5 years post stem cell transplant in Nottingham City Hospital, my remission has come to an end. My Paraprotein levels have started to increase exponentially and so the hospital is starting me on a new chemotherapy regimen.

    I will be taking “IRD” which is Ixazomid, Revlamid and Dexamethasone together with some support drugs which are anti biotic, anti fungal and anti sickness. All in all, I’m really being looked after by our beloved NHS.

    My question is, “Is there anyone out there in a similar position, as I would like to hear how they are managing?”

    Stay well everyone and my best wishes to all.

    Regards, Robert



    Good afternoon Robert
    Unfortunately I think your question might get overlooked on the forum as it appears within an unrelated thread.
    It may be helpful to post it again as a new question. You can do this by clicking on the heading ‘Treatment’, as you did, but then scrolling down the page, where you will see a new question option.
    I hope that you get some helpful responses.
    Best wishes



    Hi Robert,
    My dad is on that currently following a 7 year remission period after SCT.
    He initially was put on Dvd when he relapsed in late 2020, but that gave him horrendous side effects and didn’t work for him to bring the MM under control so he was put on to IRD in February this year. He has been so much better on the IRD than Dvd with fewer/less severe side effects – we have our dad back which is lovely. The main side effects he has are lethargy, mild neuropathy & gastro symptoms and the usual ups and downs associated with dex (plus the messing up of the sleep patterns it brings) and lately he has had some issues with nose bleeds/bleeding gums (likely due to warfarin) and swollen ankles. But overall he is much more his olde self and even though the list of side effects seems long they are very manageable. Of course, everyone responds differently as I know lots of people do amazingly on Dvd which dad didn’t, but we have been really pleased with this response to the IRD combo and all his blood results are heading in the right direction. He has 3 cycles left to go.
    Hope this helps xx

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