Stem cell transplant with kidney failure underway.

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    hI Bet you both stir crazy by now half a cider sounds great my favourite drink I bet the cats are missing you too do you sleep in the hospital glad mal kept his dinner down must be a good sign
    Big ((((HUGS)))
    Love Jo x



    Hi Mal & Bruce,i haven't been online for awhile so missed your post,. go MM and go to Derriford Hospital,i'm normally on Birch Ward they got the most fantastic team there,hope Bruce is doing good and that he's come through the worst of it all now,it won't be long before they let him home,thats when the recovery starts,i've had 2 sct,at he moment i dealing with Graft-verses-host,been pretty poorly with it,but i'm dealing with it,anyway hope all goes well for you both and enjoy your belated wine for you anniversary,always here if you want to ask anything ok,take care Shirls x x x



    Hi Shirls and everyone else, yes the Birch Ward team are fantastic. We've just had some good news. We've missed the doctors rounds a couple of times because of going down to Mayflower for dialysis – but today we found out Bruce's neutrophils were 0.3 on Sunday (they were zero last Saturday)…..and today they are 0.9! 😀 😀

    He's still got the poo's a bit, but the doctor thinks that might be a side effect from the antibiotics. They've sent another sample off and if that's clear they will stop the antibiotics tomorrow and they are going to give him something to 'firm things up'.

    His blood is a bit low, so he's having 2 units of blood today (already started).

    He's chomping at the bit to get out and it was difficult not cartwheel round the 'tank' when the doctor said we might be able to go home at the end of the week.

    We will keep everyone posted.

    Mal & Bruce



    Hi Mal and Bruce brilliant news I am so glad Bruce is feeling a bit better Fingers crossed you get to go home before the weekend , no place like it is there! love Bridget x



    Hi thats good news for you both,well done. I was looking at my post i sent the other day and it looked and sounded abit flat,but thats how been feeling the last few days and for which i apologise for,normally i'm quite upbeat and very positive,but it had been a trying week,last Tuesday my brother had his appendic's out which shook him up quite abit,the i got told i've perminant lung damage because of this graft verses host,but i'm picking up again to me its just a small blip,and we'll be ok, just hope that Bruce has come through the bad times of these past 3weeks,sounds like he's doing really well and good on him,so for now take care and both stay strong Shirls x x x



    Hi Bridget & Shirls & everyone else, we went down to dialysis before 9 o'clock and got back to Birch Ward as the doctors were doing their rounds. The doctor said Bruce's levels had all come up to the point where he didn't need to be in protective isolation – and then said he could go home either today or tomorrow depending on how quickly they could sort appointments at Treliske (Truro). I had everything packed within an hour and by teatime they had sorted his medication [u]and[/u] an appointment for dialysis on Friday at Treliske. We were out of there in a blink of an eye and I grabbed a small bottle of champagne from Tesco's on the way home to celebrate.

    He's still got the poo's a bit (tablets to sort that)and yes his hair is falling out (grade one tomorrow or possibly a clipper cut). He's got to go back in a couple of months for a check up, but for now we are on a high. 😀 😀

    luv Mal & Bruce xx

    PS Hope your brother' s feeling a little better now Shirls, and take care of yourself.



    Welcome Home

    One tip forget the clippers shave the whole lot. When Stephen (mm husband)clipped his hair very short it meant that the bits that fell out (it all does) were sharp and prickly and stuck in his face during the night.

    Strange thing was that when his hair grew back it grew in the opposite direction. Before the chemo his hair grew backwards and he had to make sure that he didn't have an Elvis quiff Now it grows forwards and he has to make sure he doesn't look like he's impersonating one of the Beatles:-)

    All the Best Gill



    Hi Gill, we had a good chuckle over your post. We've taken your advice and I've shaved his head. Yes the bits are prickly and this morning the pillow cases were covered with more hair than you can imagine, because he didn't have a lot to start with anyway 😀 😀 He's ditched the designer stubble but left a tiny trace of moustache, because he's had one since he was 18 years old (possibly longer) – but I think he will have to let that go too. 😀

    It's lovely to be home – we had a good/ok nights sleep in our own bed. The cats wondered who we were for a couple of hours, then we had loads of love from them.

    Handed back to the other side of the bridge now, so dialysis at Treliske tomorrow and he has an appointment to see his own myeloma doc on Monday.

    love to everyone
    Mal & Bruce 😀 😀



    Hi Mal

    What good news that Mal is now home. Do hope next weeks go well.

    Best wishes.




    Thank you 🙂 🙂



    Lovely to hear that Bruce is now home and resting properly,bet your both so pleased and well done Bruce. I'm still having problems with my breathing,been abit of a day with it today,just leaves you so tired and bloody frustrated,but i'll get through it eventually,i'm like that old rubber ball always keeps bouncing back. Anyway enough of little old me,just you and Bruce enjoy the good times ahead,stay strong and take care,best wishes Shirls x x x



    Hi Mal and Bruce

    so glad you got home at last lets hope things settle down soon then its back to cider and guitars:-) 🙂 🙂
    Love Jo x



    Hi Shirls

    sorry you are under the weather at the moments I hope you pick up soon
    Love and (((hugs))) Jo;-)



    Hi Jo, Bruce saw his own haemo doc on Monday. She said his bloods and neutrophils were good (coming up nicely), but she told him to take it easy and stay away from crowds for a while.

    He feels quite well in himself apart from still having the poo's, an achey shoulder and not sleeping very well. Today his GP gave him something a bit stronger for the shoulder and some pills so he can have a good night's sleep.

    Yes, we are desperate to get out and play with our friends in the pub, but we are doing as we are told and avoiding crowds. We have been popping round to friends houses for a bit of a 'jam' though, which is a spirit lifter.

    While Bruce was in Derriford our friends Skyped from the pub and we were able to join in with the singing. I think some of the pub customers were a bit puzzled by two loonies on a laptop screen singing their heads off. 😀 😀

    luv to everyone
    Mal & Bruce xx



    Hi Shirls (like Jo said, hope you pick up soon).

    (((Hugs))) from us too.

    (Sorry if this appears twice, posted one and it's wandered off).

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