Still Weak

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    I had my SCT on Oct.11 2012.
    I have been in remission for almost 18 months.

    How long before I get my pre SCT and CDT energy back.
    I have a friend who thinks I should be back to normal by now.

    I also have chronic backpain. whick I have had for years.

    This is getting me down now and I think I should be able to do more.



    Hi Tina

    I am 13 weeks post transplant and while feeling better week by week, I am still very tired…..always need my afternoon siesta. Am eating well and walking more each day…went back to work just before the Easter school holidays on a phased return, so slowly life is resuming. I have my biopsy on the 29th of this month at the 100 day mark, but so far all blood tests have me in remission as well…just hope it stays that way. But….everyone is different and I was lucky in that I was diagnosed early without spine or kidney damage. I read of people having had transplants just before me, who are back playing tennis! I am definitely not up to that standard!




    Hi Tina, have your friends had Myeloma? Listen to your body Tina it is its opinion that counts.

    What does the Consultants say about your Back Pain?

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


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