Strong immune system- better prognosis

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  piatkaz 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Australian research finds the stronger a patient's immune system the longer their survival time. As someone who has dodged using antibiotics all my life (in fact any drugs at all) and having maintained neutrophils above 3 all the way through the 18 weeks of CDT I was happy, happy, happy to read this information. OK I know it was a very small study group but I am desperately looking for a silver lining amongst the misery of the drugs' side effects…. 1 more week to endure!




    Hi Carol

    I read that article too. It just confirms what I've always thought. The immune system is the most important tool in our armory.
    Like you, before MM I hardly ever took a pill and it's paying dividends now because my body has responded incredibly well to all treatment drugs.



    problem is MM destroys your immune system so how would you cure that, in the end its that's which death not the actual myeloma.



    Hi Carol
    on my latest cosultation my specialsist said I was lucky to have a strong immune system that can cope with all the toxicity thats thrown at never had any issue, normal nuetrophils through out my 6 years with good white a nd red bolood counts and good platlet results.She said there a lot of patients who cant take the treatments and have to come off them early so touch wood it continues.

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