Struggling to understand blood tests

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  graham-c 4 years ago.

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    I got a phone call from my GP last week to tell me that my second set of blood tests (serum electrophoresis & serum free light chains) indicate I have MGuS and I need to get these tests repeated in another 3 months. She provided me with a hard copy of the results but they don’t make any sense to me. Could anyone explain them to me?



    Hi. As everyone is different and emotional at this stage, May I recommend that to have a nice chat with one the Myeloma Org nurses. They are so knowledgeable and impartial. It gives you the chance to ask questions as you go along.

    My Best Wishes

    Mike (Smoulderer)



    Thanks Mike. I’ll do that. I appreciate the response.



    I have been diagnosed with MGuS for perhaps six or seven years. I used to be quite fixated on the blood test results but not so much now. The one thing that you say that is revealing is that your next blood test is in three months time. My blood tests are at 3/4 monthly intervals and I consider that this is for those in the lower risk category, though there is no way to determine your own personal path with this condition, I take it that I have nothing to worry about as long as my blood tests intervals remain at this level. I once did get a call once after one blood test telling me to come back immediately for another test, but I felt so well I wasn’t concerned, and it turned out to be nothing. I don’t even get an appointment at Haematology nowadays and they are supposed to ring me with the results, but rarely do, which doesn’t bother me since I get a latter from my GP in due course.

    At one stage my results had fallen so low I thought that i would be discharged, but that didn’t happen. Rather like investments, they can down as well as up. The important thing is that you’re being tested but, until it spikes (if it ever does), it’s simply a matter of waiting and getting on with life. I’m a spritely 68 year old and get plenty of aches and pains from time to time, but nothing I can blame on Myeloma. The MGuS blood test is so all encompassing, it’s quite useful since I lost a kidney to cancer 13 years ago and enables me to check my eGFR is, but even that has improved.

    Maybe I’m lucky, but I keep an eye on the results and let Haematology do the worrying.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by  graham-c.
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