Supposed to have started 2nd chemo today.

This topic contains 20 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Ang287 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Well, after another weekly visit to the hospital, the liver enzyme problem seems to be just about over, Enzymes are near normal, the Dexy last week helped reduce the PP's to 96 and the doctor is thinking next week we beigin on the Velcade and Dexy.

    She's still concerned so I will have only one course of Velcade and then be monitored, if that's ok then we continue, if not it's back to the drawing board. They will not even consider a date for SCT before they know what's happening with the Chemo. I think it's going to be a long summer.



    You are going through the mill there but the care looks good from what you say.

    Was your picture taken at a street Carnival. I was stationed in Germany for 19 months – Dusseldorf. Some of the best months of my life. Mo and I had a great time. We mixed with the Germans and made an effort to speak German, we were sad to leave.

    Hope all goes well for you.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi there, the photo is an internet download, it's sort of a reminder to be positive, that we can still laugh. As for being in Germany, like you I was stationed out here. I served at RAF Gutersloh from '85 – 88, loved it tremendously, 20 years later I met my German wife in the UK and we now live here. My German is poor but improving, my understanding of medical German has improved greatly because of MM so I have to thank it for something. I have to say I do cringe when I read some of the posts about mis-diagnosis and the wait for scans, treatment etc, here has been fantastic. If anything they are rushing the pace but the doctors are always open and very caring. I never had a problem with care in the NHS but believe it is top heavy and resources are criminally wasted through political interfering. As I said in the past, the system here isn't perfect, their admin leaves a lot to be desired but unfortunately although I am British and proud of it, I am pleased and relieved the MM was diagnosed and is being treated here in Germany.

    As for the stop/start chemo, everyone said MM is a rollercoaster ride. It would be nice if I could let my wife off the rollercoaster and give her a break, after all families suffer with us, just in silence.

    So it's time to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and move on.



    Hi Dick

    its good to see acceptance of your situation,its also nice to learn the way they handle it in other countries,you cannot beat the Germans for work ethics.
    I do find sometimes there sense of humour deserts them:-P

    It was interesting about the enzymes is this the norm or unusual as I can see it on the blood charts but Slims have always been in range:-)

    I hope moving on does not mean leaving the site,if it does you are going to look in and lets us know how you are:-/

    Good Luck either way.Eve



    Hi Eve,
    The move on is part of a mantra I like because life is full of setbacks, people do tend to dwell on these too much and then their lives revolve around them and they don't 'move on'. It's about looking to the future and accepting the past really. I'm not going anywhere for a long time.

    The Germans in the North have a good work ethic, we are in the west close to the French border, this area I think has been heavily influenced by the French, it's a lot more relaxed and they use the word 'egal' a lot which means 'it doesn't matter' This is a lovely region to be in for the countryside, the people and above all the care, the top MM doctors are at Heidelberg which is just across the Rhine.

    As for the enzymes, my doctor said they are use to seeing a bad reaction with the PAD, particularly the Doxorubicin, which I believe is the 'A' drug. The revlimid was tried next and also is known to stress the liver but they had never seen the same reaction with two different treatments and that is why they laid off chemo for so long.

    So here's hoping.



    Hi Richard
    I am just writing to wish you the very best of luck for your stem cell transplant. I know you go into hospital tomorrow and although I tried to go on to your latest thread of stem cell buddies every time I try to post something it logs me out so I had to send you a message on the newcomers site from ages ago which keeps me logged in.

    Hope everything you had to do this week in the lead up to going in has gone well and that it all goes very smoothly and that you are home soon and on the way to a good recovery and a very long remission.
    Best wishes, Angela

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