The Blessed Dex!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Min 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    It never occurred to me about the terrors that Dex must hold for people such as Debs who have yet to experience its little quirks but her recent posting gave me some idea. Debs, we can't take away its side effects but I would like to offer a new word to describe it.

    Kevin started the Dex Devotee Club of which I am a proud member, Gill has used the word Dexitude for her description and I thought of a word yesterday which expands on Gill's word, to describe what sort of day we might be having with it – Dexitudinous. I've no idea what it means but it sounds good – any thoughts (polite ones please!).
    Love, Gaye x



    I love the new word Gaye ! Dexitudinous is definitely how I am feeling today so thankyou There is also Dex -cleaning for those times in the middle of the night when you are compelled to get busy cleaning something or anything!!x



    As a bystander I don't get to know what dexitude feels like , But I do know Peter had just gone back on it, His 1st day the velcade did not turn up until 4pm and the dex had to be taken with food when we got home at 5.30pm. As you all know it should be taken early morning to wear off by bed time. Imagine what he was like the next morning having tossed and turned all night. For anyone new to dex….take it first thing in the morning. Haven't seen any side effects yet apart from pigging out. Im sure the moods and tempers wont be far behind! (Been there got the tee shirt) off last time. Even broke a tooth gritting them and smiling. Happy Days eh.

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