The future looks Great for us….(N.I.C.E. permitting !)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    This link takes you to 3 short videos on the latest from the American Society of Haematologists meeting which has just ended. I found the one by Dr Gertz to be the easiest to follow – but try any or all.
    They're very uplifting (of course we still have to get these developments adopted here – so keep lobbying)

    I've checked the link for nasties and its clean (even if you're on chemo 🙂

    Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year to you all
    Peter Gore



    Yes, very interesting they were certainly upbeat about the drugs being presented and no doubt part of the progression in finding "treatment" if not a "Cure".

    Thanks and a Merry Christmas and a safe new year.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hello Peter

    thanks for that where america lead we follow so good news

    Happy Christmas
    From Jo



    Yes this is very interesting stuff.
    When I hear things like 7-10 years or more survival it's music to my ears.
    I guess after 4yrs and 2 transplants I see myself as still only halfway down the road and then there's always more treatments coming along so who really knows,future advances could even stretch it to 15-20yrs.

    So here's to a very healthy and happy 2012 to you all.




    Hi everyone!

    Yes, all the news that comes out, including latest stuff from ASH (See Myeloma Beacon Web Site) is so encouraging. Let's hope and pray we are all in this FOR THE LONG HAUL!!!

    Lots of love to everyone for 2012 and many more years to follow.

    Mavis xxx

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