The waiting game

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi all,

    My lovely Dad (good health, age 68) had a stroke out of the blue a week ago and in the CT scan they detected lesions on his vertebrae (well-defined lytic focus in right C3 vertebral body with a few further tiny similar foci demonstrated in C4, C5 and C7).

    He now has an urgent referral to a Haematologist at our local hospital next Monday. He has no symptoms and the hospital last week checked his calcium, renal and anaemia levels – all fine.

    I presume this can’t be Asymptomatic Myeloma because he has lesions.

    It’s strange that he has at least 4 lesions (albeit 3 “tiny”) and no symptoms.

    I’m also confused that the lesions have been called both “foci” and “lytic” (elsewhere in the notes). I thought lytic lesions and focal lesions were 2 different things.

    Could the stroke be linked to these findings?

    I just wondered if anyone could offer any advice at this stage while we play the waiting game.






    Hi Alex

    Sorry to hear about your dad and the possible outcome that it may be Myeloma.

    I was 67 and had been sent to orthopaedic for a “pain” in the hip last year. Based on his knowledge and CT scan I was sent to Haemotology for further tests and Multiple Myeloma was diagnosed. I too have lesions and tiny holes all over but touch wood none causing a problem yet.

    What I am trying to say that this disease is normally discovered after other problems (in your dads case a Stroke). Others can be kidney problems, back, shoulder and so on before a final prognosis is given.

    Your Consultant will do various blood test, possibly a PECTScan and then let you know of any treatment.

    Depending on levels they may give a mild form of chemo or depending on the relevant information may just wait and monitor.

    Others on this forum can talk to you about the “findings” where as I ask my consultant how are we doing and just need “its going in the right direction”.

    The one thing I will say tell your dad to listen to his body. Tiredness is a big thing. If he needs it have a lie down and just rest, believe me it works and also drink plenty of water as this helps the kidneys and very important (2 – 3 litres per day is recommended).

    Hope this initial contact helps and believe me there is plenty of information on this forum.





    Thanks for your response Graeme, it really helps to talk to people in the same situation.

    Glad the meds are working for you. I hope you’re not getting too many side effects and lots of time to switch off and live a normal life.




    Hi Alex

    A bit late to respond to your post, but I don’t come on so often now. Wonder how your Dad is getting on? It’s quite possible he is in the ” wait and see” phase which can be even if he has bone lesions. Treatment is all based around readings of the blood tests. Do you have any readings for your Dad?

    Hope all is as well as can be expected.

    Best wishes.


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