Things to take in to hospital for SCT?


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    Hi there
    I’m due to have SCT 2nd October, as an inpatient. I’m trying to compile a list of what I need to pack for the 2-3 week stay. Does anyone have a list they could share or give me some advice on items that they found invaluable.




    I found the following useful (apart from the obvious)
    Pyjamas rather than nighties, easier to get access to your Hickman/ Pic line
    Joggers and button up blouses (sane reason as above). I found it good for my own morale to be dressed every day.
    A handheld mirror
    Puzzles- easy peasy ones
    Books with very little plot.
    Pen and paper,I wrote to folk, less tiring rather than always speaking on the phone. Also useful for writing lists for my husband as my brain was mush.

    I was in hospital a full 3 weeks. I was amazed at how the time passed. I didnt have access to a TV but I used my phone a lot to listen to podcasts and BBC Sounds. My concentration was poor. In other places/posts on the forum you’ll find good tips about sucking ice when you get the high dose chemo. I managed 12 ice lollies one after the other- really dont want to eat one again- but it worked. I had no problems with my mouth.
    I’m now at day 75 at home plodding onwards.
    I wish you well with your SCT and hope all goes well for you in hospital. I didnt discover this forum until I was home otherwise I might have used it while I was in hospital.
    Take care, Gillian



    As Gillian says above, plus I took plenty of pairs of old briefs and replaced them with new ones for when I got home- some small thing to look forward to!
    I exercised as much as possible (walking outside the ward in a safe place, then on the general ward) until I was neutropenic and confined to my room. I didn’t use most of the things I took in as I found my concentration wasn’t good- partly because my sleep was so disturbed at night (by obs) I often snoozed in the day. I did listen to audio books but didn’t read much, nor watch TV at all despite having one in the room & being given a card for it! I had a pretty constant stream of nurses, ward staff & drs, many of whom liked a natter & the time passed quickly.



    HI, the softest loo rolls you can buy. All the very best.



    Thanks for all your replies. I forgot to tick the box for notifications so only just seen them. Some good advice there, thank you.



    Hi there,

    I took an an Alexa in with me as the hospital had free wifi, which kept me company during the day, and sometimes during the night when I could not sleep. I suffered a lot from Mucosytis, but as I had my own fridge, I had ice pops and ice cream which were great at soothing it.

    If you do get Mucosytis, avoid anything acidic as it will probably be very painful in your mouth.

    If you have free wifi, take a laptop or a tablet in with you so that you can while away the hours browsing, or connecting with family on Zoom etc.

    Regards, Tony



    I found the rooms extremely cold (thought they were keeping it cold to kill bugs tbh). A comforting soft fleecy throw made it durable. I’d heard much of the S&D stage so took in cheap pyjama sets/underwear from Primark – plenty – then never worried about hubby bringing in spares etc/having to do washing frequently. Little snacks in case you don’t feel like meals – little jelly pots, custard pots, rice pudding pots I found handy. Some craft stuff go leisurely do – perhaps Xmas crafts? will help pass the time n not too taxing. Audio books were great. And something to plan/goals to set for when you’ve come through it – focusing on better times/well deserved treats lifted my spirits. I also had a count down calendar – I think I set my goal as home in 16 days – and no matter how bad a day it was it was really satisfying to cross one less day off my calendar. Another day done, another day closer to home. It may not be pleasant at times but it is all very doable.
    Good luck



    Really appreciate the tips and ideas for the hospital stay. Thanks everyone.

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