Tips and advice

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  cygnet 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Today me and my family were told that my grandad has myeloma

    The staff at the hospital have been very helpful and given as much information  as humanly possible, which unfortunately lacked a certain… personal touch? I was just wondering if anyone could help with a few do’s and dont’s.

    Anything, however small you may feel it is, please let me know. At this point everything is helpful.

    Thank you for your time.



    I am the sister of Beth, I discovered this forum while reading the website. All tips, advice and anything else on how to help come to terms with our diagnosis will be greatly appreciated.


    A little back story – our grandad had a fall in Jan 2015 which found fractures in his back. After a year of being in hospital, rehab and moving him out of the home he had lived in for the last 50 years and into sheltered accommodation, me and my mom took him for a scheduled Mri scan. The radiologist wasn’t happy to send him home and admitted him to a&e, so after a long wait there, we met a consultant from the orthopaedic team. Fast forward again 3 days, we met with a spinal surgeon who had, all being well with the afternoons ct scan and grandad a consent, had spinal surgery planned for the following morning. Surgery went ahead as planned and recovery is going well. This was 2 weeks ago, and today we recieved grandads diagnosis of Myeloma.


    Our current plan of action is to get grandad recovered from the surgery, and then have radiotherapy, and with grandads consent, chemotherapy. Obviously as a family we are going to do all we can to encourage grandad to accept the offer of radio and chemotherapy, but ultimately it is his decision.


    He is at the wonderful age of 82 and a bit confused with all of the information he has recieved.


    Thanks again,





    I’m sorry to hear about your grandad’s diagnosis – but you obviously are caring family & that support will be invaluable to him as he comes to terms with his situation.

    Have you thought about contacting your local support group or attending an  Info day? That would allow you to find out more – especially via the local group. I think they are quite sociable too! The nearest group to you  be on the website on the How  we can help section.

    Good luck & I wish your grandad all the best as he recovers from his surgery & comes to terms with his diagnosis.

    C xx


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