Treatment ends !!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    I don’t know if anyone can advise. My story is I have been on IRD (3rd line) and reached 35th cycle. Over the last 4 or 5 months paraproteins have risen slowly from my plateau of 5 to 6 has now reached 12. My last consult seemed quite panicky, as I was told I only have one more treatment I can have. Which I have to say was more than surprising. Anyway he kept me on present regime but doubled the dose, even though I had to be taken off it in the beginning. Needless to say I have been really ill for a week, and am not inclined to take a further dose. Also to say I can only have one more lot of treatment I simply don’t understand why when there are so many available.



    Sorry this has come up on the wrong group. I don’t post very often. If I can I’ll move it over



    Hi Susie,

    I don’t know if you are a member of the UK Myeloma Faccebook page? It’s a very supportive, friendly group and I find it very helpful. You will get answers to your questions very quickly on there. You will reach a much greater number of people and probably some who have experienced something similar; there is a wealth of knowledge and experience amongst the membership.

    Good luck




    Another option is to ring Myeloma UK to discuss potential new treatments. I have met UK myeloma patients who have had 7 or 8 treatments,although some of those may have been trials. Is this something that you would consider?
    How awful having that thrown into the conversation…



    Another option is to ring Myeloma UK to discuss potential new treatments. I have met UK myeloma patients who have had 7 or 8 treatments,although some of those may have been trials. Is this something that you would consider?

    How awful having that thrown into the conversation…

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