Treatment Free :-)

This topic contains 22 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 12 months ago.

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    Yep as the subject says "Treatment Free" I have been to see the Consultant Today 23/02/2012 and he tells me My bloods are all spot on so am on a four month visit for the next time 😉 and no Zometa infusions no tablets to take no Bleach to shove into me Nothing zilch8-)

    its the way to go these days ye I still feel tired but do I try and do too much? who knows but its working for me.

    Good Luck to you all and Hope you also will be same as i and be treatment free 😀

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Well done Tom, you must be over the moon. Long may it continue!

    Love Jea xx



    Whooppee!! Thats the sort of news that cheers us all up Tom !! Enjoy yourself love Bridgetx



    Yippee Tom

    just the news we need to cheer us up keep going onwards and upwards
    Big ((((hug)));-)
    Jo x



    Good on you Tom,

    It's good to hear really positive news… and your continued presence and positivity are well regarded and personally speaking always gives me a smile and a boost.

    Thank you.:-)




    Welcome to my gang Tom, it's great being drug free 😀 I've been
    off everything for 9 months now and apart from feeling tired all
    the time i'm doing well.

    Well done and long may it continue for you 😀

    Take care

    Love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Thanks Jean yes I am well we are over the moon to be Drug and bleach free Lol And Long may it continue as you say xxx

    Hi Bridget, Am sure you are correct we all need Good news as we travel along the MM route to remission.

    And Jo Many Thanks for the BIG Hug ((hug)) and you know am sending one Back (((((((HUG))))))

    And Dai am real pleased I give you a smile and a boost and for that it has boosted me even more than I am now 🙂

    Aww Lorraine Am I pleased to be in your Gang and I thank you for letting me in 😎 9 months of everything is great 😀 like you I do feel tired but is it an age thing (am 56 i think lol ) or is it having the MM am not sure which it is but am I Happy too bloomin true i am 😎

    I have used one post for you all (sorry) but I am trying to save Ink he he

    One Last thing I have to tell you 😀 Helen My Cancer Nurse was the last one to see me and let me out of the room into a full corridor of people and as i was leaving I said to Helen (in a loud voice) " Helen you know how to make an old man Happy in such a short time Love you" and as i left she walked out into the corridor and said you bugger you made me blush Lol.

    Lots of Love

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxxx



    Hi Tom,
    I am so pleased for you.I hope we are not going to loose you,now your fighting fit and officially stamped to be first class condition.:-(

    We need more people like you on this site,to tell us the good side,it gives a lot of people hope,so don,t think about loosing us,still cannot find you or your breakfast on FB,or Mins.

    Love Eve



    Hi Tom

    Like everyone else I am delighted at your news. Fancy, nothing at all! I think once monthly zometa is good, but nothing, that's amazing! Couldn't happen to a nicer person!

    Also hope we still hear from you from time to time.

    Very best wishes for a long, long, phase of nothing.

    Mavis x



    Hi Eve Thanks for that 🙂 Lose me cos am fit not on your nelly am here to cheer you all up and wait for more to come round to my First class condition (your words not Elaines btw ha ha) as for Face book who else is on your contact list as I aint found you? do you have a photo on it?? here is a link to mine I think lol

    Hi Mavis and thank you also, well the once Monthly Zometa was getting a bit hard what with the "Hunt the vein" it was geting harder to find a good one so am pleased it is all over, and I aint going nowhere you are all stuck with me :-S

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Tom, like everyone else I am absolutely delighted by your news. Yes we all want to hear things like that. Wish I had heard of the treatment you had, especially as I have just started a clinical trial and cannot believe the number of tablets I am taking and this will go on for months. The good news is it seems to be working as my PP has gone down from 70 to 50 after only 2 weeks. Keep well Sylvia



    Can I join everybody else Tom and say congratulations.

    I was really surprised that you are off the Zometa infusions as well, I thought they were given to protect the bones from loss of Calcium. I take the tablet version, Loron, and understand I will be on them for the forseable future:-S . So this must be a major event 😎

    Keep going "Onward and Upward".

    Kindest regards – vasbyte.




    Hi Sylvia, Thanks for that and yes am sure we do want to hear about the Good results, and my treatment is not that new or strange, i was on CDT for about 5 months and during that time I was taking about 49 Pills a day :-/ then went on to Stem Cell Transplant and walla I found myself in Remission and now drug free, Sylvia dont ask me what my PP's or anything is as over the last two and a bit years I aint been bothered :-0 If My Dr is happy then am happy 😎

    And David you are more than welcome to join the Gang and I thank you for your congratulations, well I was told am on Zometa for two years post SCT and that was up a month or two back 😎 so am took off it 😎
    As always Love from One "Onwards and Upwards" Tom xx



    Hurrah, hope it's a very long remission
    Love Helen



    Wonderful news Tom

    Congratulations and love from Gill xxx

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