Two and a half years

This topic contains 29 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  eve 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Thank you Andy and Sue

    Andy at least we got SCT stage,will be your turn,a doña we hope..xxxxxx

    Sue how are you doing,now the rush is over,I hope you are managing to sleep,give yourself time to recover.

    I am off today for afternoon tea,( Mother's Day present from one of my daughters ) I have invited Jenny who has become a friend,her husband died of Myeloma a year ago,she has no children so it gives us time to chat without dragging her back in to the Myeloma Bubble.

    This is one of the good things that has come out of this illness,so I do hope Sue you reach a point were you can find some goodness out of this Myeloma Bubble. Eve



    Dear Eve. and Slim.

    Am so sorry to hear the news.
    How gutted you both must feel.
    Hopefully the next stage of treatment will sort this awful bloody disease in to touch

    Sending hugs from Northampton




    Hi Eve,

    Thank you for your kind reply on my post. I am looking through the forum and I am sorry to hear MM has reared it's ugly head again for Slim and yourself. As I'm sure you are aware there is plenty of support on here for you both.

    Sending you kind wishes and support,

    Clara x



    Hello Eve and Slim

    Sorry to hear about the relapse, i know how you will be feeling, my husband Peter has recently relapsed. Peter only got about 11 months remission from his SCT and on that basis doctor said that 2nd SCT was notmviable. Therefore Peter's treatment is Velcade. Good luck with your journey together.

    Love Trish xx



    Hi Eve

    Hope you and Slim are coping. It must be hard when the myeloma rears it's ugly head again. How long is it since Slim had his SCT? It is a good idea to keep a diary.How about going for councelling? I have to see the same councellor as Ian this month. I will pray for you both.

    Ian has an infection in his bed sore and is on antibiotics iv. He had to be transferred to FVH in Larbert for this. Basic care is very poor. Had to pull up the nurses as Ian is meant to be on a 30% tilt and they put him on his back. They have delayed the chemo treatment at the moment to let the bedsore heal.

    I keep thinking Ian will be one of the lucky ones and have 10 years. I hope I am right.

    Love to you both.

    Maureen x

    Love to you both x



    Thanks again for everyone's good wishers,

    We go to see consultant next Friday,for more results,that they have known the results of for over. 2 weeks,never mind about Slim he,s just the patient!!!

    At first we jumped from positive to negative ,now just preparing for more treatment ,Slim more positive,one because he has the mentality of a commando marine,,so all those years are seeming to pay.,I take courage from his believes .
    He is a quiet man who does not say much,but as he would say,he does not have to,he knows he can rely on me.LOL.

    Starting to make plans for the summer,as Andy says every day is a gift,so we have sold our large Motorhome have a small one ordered,it means we can use it easier.

    Maureen,counselling woks for some people,the thing that puts me off it. Is I know two people who are counsellor s ,there heart is most properly in the right place,but they have no idea about the person or the problems,
    They seem to follow a script of how that person is going to feel.
    So it's not for me!!! I am considering Riki (think spelt that way) have heard people say they do not know how it works,but they feel relaxed after it.

    I do hope Ian picks up soon,it has been a long time Love Eve



    Dear Eve
    Its gutting when the remission is over and the myeloma comes back I know because I am in the same boat as Slim. If the Velcade worked the 1st time it might do the same again. It seems to be working so far for me and it has hit the pps from 49 down to 5 so dont give up hope.
    Ozzy x



    Hi Ozzy

    Would like to know more,as when I approached the subject of Velcade again it was. not recieved very well. I just think Slim did well on Velcade,and he is starting to use options up quickly without much remission or in the case of CDT,it was in affective.

    At the moment my feelings are that I am angry the way our questions were answered,or should I say not answered!!!!

    Any thing you can tell me,like is it a trial??? What hospital are you under,how much remission between SCT???
    Would be grateful for some info.Eve



    Hi Eve and Slim

    Can't add anything to what others have said, but just wanted to send my love to you determined pair. Hope you get lots more trips in.

    Love Mavis x



    Hi Eve,
    I had Reiki for many years before I was where I am now, I also had 6 sessions of it at K&c after diagnosis where it is paid for by the cancer care club. I don't know if you are aware but they do Reiki and so very much more at the hospices for both cancer sufferers and carers, I always thought hospices were only for end of life care but one day I noticed the hospice at Canterbury was offering free hand massages to cancer patients at the hospital, always one to like to take advantage of a freebee, I went along and learnt such a lot about the hospice system.
    Love Babs



    Thanks Mavis and Babs

    I have seen what they offer at Cancer Club plus Hospic,I have all ways thought it was for the patient not carer.
    If I tried to get Slim to go he would not want to know,stubborn is his middle name.

    Thank you Mavis I know are believes are different,but I do have a lot of respect for people who can hold there faith, with all that is happening to them. Love Eve



    I have missed so many posts on here since Stephen died that I did not register that Slim was unwell. There is so little I can say I can only send you kind thoughts and love.

    Gill xx



    Hi Gill

    It's lovely to hear from you,how are you getting on,??? When do you go to France,the first year is hardest,I hope to hear you have a smile on your face thinking of all the good times you had with Stephen.

    Slim looks great curly hair and has put on weight!!!,aching bones bad back,and co ordination a bit off,good job we have plenty of glasses. He had another BMB after six months as no longer shows in blood or urine,and its gone from 0.00 myeloma cells to 10 percent in BM. Not good news,thought he might get few years free,but 6 months is nothing.
    We did get to France ,then a weeks cruise,then NZ over Christmas for we did more than most.

    Look after yourself and think of the first year as a learning curve.Love Eve



    Hi Eve

    I am gutted that Slim appears to be relapsing after such a short time in remission and such a hard struggle to get there. I'm sorry that I missed your post before and it was only when you posted on my blog that I realised what was happening. At least it cant be said that you didn't make the most of the remission that he had and I hope that he doesn't have to start treatment for a while yet.

    Wendy x



    Hi Wendy

    It is the only way to do it

    Remain positive and get out and do as much as you can!,
    Have bought new Motorhome scaled to a small one,we always said we would do the UK when we were older,but it looks if Slims health has bought UK near.
    A moterhome. Floats are boat,not one for hotels unless its some were like St Lucia.
    So glad to see you made India love your blogg s Love Eve

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