Update on Ian

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bandityoga 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Ian's wound is no infection free and he is getting much better. He has been chosen to start intense physio and the doctor has said he should be walking and home by Easter. He is restarting CTD on Monday with a reduced dose of steroids. He did have severe side effects while on CTD but doctors are not sure if it was a combination of the infection and Ian's anxiety. If he shows signs of the same side effects they will stop CTD and put him on Velcade. He had a good response to CTD as his light chains came down from 7,000 to 800.

    I will keep praying for him.



    Hi Maureen,

    I am sorry that Ian is not responding to his treatment as quickly as you and the medics might wish. His anxiety seems to be holding him back and I know from experience, as do many on this board, that hospital is hardly the place to raise his spirits… home is the only place to give him a real chance of that, Being positive, biting hard (Vasbyte) as our David (Perkymite) says and doing whatever it takes to get home is Ian's best chance of moving forward.:-)

    I hope he stays with the CDT, is is an excellent treatment as his light chains show… moving onto Velcade at this stage would be a waste of an excellent chance to bring the light chains right down, even to zero, zilch, nought.:-D

    He is obviously feeling institutionalised by his hospitalisation but I do hope he manages to see it through, get home and pick up the positivity he needs in his own home, surrounded by the people and familiar things about him. I can't emphasise how important that positivity is to his long term future.8-)

    All the very best and please stay in touch.:-)




    Hi Dai

    Thanks for your reply. Ian had only one cycle of CTD as he had the infection in his spinal wound and had to stop the chemo in order that the wound might heal. He did have a good response but was totally ga ga. Hopefully it was the infection and he will be ok on CTD this timeas as his anxiety has gone and we have now come to terms with the myeloma and staying positive.

    He will have to have intense physio in a rehabilitation centre to give him a good chance of walking again but yes it will be good to have him home. He will get a day pass and then a weekend pass home before Easter.

    Hope you are keeping well.


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