Update on kev's treatment

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi all,

    Just thought I'd give the latest on kevs velcade/ dex, he is on cycle 3 starting tomorrow after attending clinic this morning kevs light- chains have gone from 4,800 to 1,400 which is good news, although thie last couple of weeks he's not been well, coming down of the drugs don't help, he as a chest infection so on antibiotics, he also been having some back pain and what I have noticed he as a slight stoop just lately and being over 6ft tall and always stood and walked bolt upright this was worrying,
    We mentioned this today and are sending him for a MRI as soon as , so I'm glad I made him tell the doc about it ( he did say he wouldn't bother!) men? Now I just say to him if you don't say then I will!! I know him better than he knows himself.

    All in All I think it was a good visit today, now back tomorrow to start his velcade injection

    Love liz xx



    Hi Liz and Kev

    Great to see the lights are getting dimmer 😀 and to be honest its the chest that has been my downfall since I started my treatment (and I stopped smoking?)

    Note to Kev, "You and I know that our young Ladie's know us better than we know ourself, so I suggest you follow my lead:::and do as you are told I do lol" keep up the good work Kev and hope the MRI results are good ones 😎

    Tom "onwards and upwards" xx



    Hi Tom

    You make me giggle, I've passed on your wise words to kev he's half asleep but managed a smile and said " anything for a quiet life " I wasn't giving him the eye honest, you have to laugh.

    Thanx Tom you always put a smile on our faces

    Take care liz & kev xx 🙂



    Hi Liz & Kev
    I think all us male MM suffers should follow Tom's advice because he is doing so well. Onwards and upwards eh Tom 😉
    Backs are a major problem with MM and its good that Kev is getting a MRI ASAP. I've lost aprrox 3 inches in height due to damage to my spine and by the end of the day I'm struggling to stand upright.
    I hope the chest infection soon clears so you can concentrate on fighting the dreaded MM.

    All the best.
    And Kev remember Tom's advice "the young ladies know best" 😉



    Hi Liz, well am pleased I make you all smile 😀 and after hearing Kev's reply to you am sure he is like me anyways "anything for a quiet life" Lol

    And Andy and all you other MM'ers am sure you dont want to follow my advice?? as you will all need a new Liver? what with all my drinking "Beer,vodka and not forgetiing my Red Wine"8-) but hey ho I can always get a new liver from "Bacon Charlie's" In Scunthorpe Market LOl.

    Keep well you all

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" x

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