Update on my lovely mum

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Mum is still in hospital, she has had her second drain put in and quite a lot of fluid has come out.
    Mum is having her pleurodesis today and then hopefully the fluid wont come back
    The good news is that its not caused by an infection, but i suppose the bad news is that its looking like being caused by the myeloma. But we are supposed to be getting the results from the ct scan etc today and hoping we do get some good news.
    Mum is now fed up and wants to be back home, she has been in there a week and has now at enough, at the same time she accepts that she has to be there to get herself right, she has been very lucky because if our lovely lady doctor hadnt twice sent her to hospital, there is no doubt she wouldnt be here today.
    So we have to look at our positives.
    Hope everyone is ok
    take care
    Gina xx



    Hi Gina

    glad your mum is feeling a bit better I really hope this is the last of it I can understand her wanting to come home as there is no rest in hospital your own bed is always best but convince her if they think she should stay she must

    lOVE jo x



    Hi Gina good to hear your mum is feeling better It is so frustrating to be stuck in hospital when you start to feel better but I am sure she realises hospital is the best place for now .I hope the results were good its about time your mum had some good news love to you both Bridget x



    Hi Gina

    It's good to hear your GP is looking out for you dear Mum. It isn't always so. Do hope she can come home soon and the news is good. Do let us know.

    Love to you all.

    Mavis x




    I was wondering how your Mum is getting along – haven't seen any mail from you for a few days? Hope all is well,

    Take care,




    Hi Gina
    I was just thinking the same as Jill how are things going with your mum
    love Eve



    Thank you ladies its much appreciated that you are thinking of my mum. I have been on and replied to Gayes post, i didnt really want to put anything as i know how upset everyone was upset on hearing about Gaye passing away, just has i was i think it hits us hard and brings it home on how awful this disease is and how quick it takes hold.

    Mum at the moment isnt too bad, she is at home and her breathing has improved now she has had the procedure done on her lungs.She is very shaky but we have managed to take her in the car to the shop and library(just to get her some fresh air) We have been told that it was all caused by the myeloma and that we would hear from mums consultant. we are very lucky now has the new consultant Dr Baden is a lovely man who answers all our questions.
    Mum got a phone call this week, she went for blood tests yesterday and we go to see Dr Baden on Tuesday to see what is happening next. We are hoping its the velcade as this was starting to work even though it affected her kidney function. We are hoping that they can give her smaller doses of it. So we will see on Tuesday so fingers crossed.
    Thank you again for checking that we are ok it is most appreciated
    Gina xxxx



    Hi Gina

    Pleased your Mum is doing Ok, I also am very sad to read about Gaye passing on and I am not sure what happened to two of my post as I had to write it three times before it posted (bloody tears)

    All The Best

    Tom xx

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